Help with Hunt 60-2 (2035) BULL ELK late hunt



LAST EDITED ON Jun-27-10 AT 11:17AM (MST)[p]Hey guys, this was my first time ever putting in for a controlled hunt since becoming an Idaho resident. I drew the Controlled Hunt 2035 - Hunt Area 60-2 for a bull elk. The hunt goes from November 1st, 2010 to November 30th, 2010. It is an any weapon hunt. I have never elk hunted before if that gives you an idea of my experience level. I am looking for any advice that ya'll could give me. If you want to send me a PM that would be great too. I look forward to bagging my first elk. Thanks in advance to all of those that help!

Pray for snow, you just gotta catch them it can be a great hunt or it can be crappy, just depends on the winter. Last years winter sucked. Blame it on global warming ha ha.


has anyone seen my kittie

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