Help understanding leftover cow tags



I'm looking for a little historical guidance.

I drew cow tags in 124 and 21 for this year. A friend wants to try to get a leftover cow tag in one of these 2 units if possible so we can camp and hunt together.

The web site WFG does not have a list of available tags as far as I can find. They do list that they are first come first served in mid July.


1. Historically are 124 and 21 under subscribed for cow tags? Do they normally have any that go first come first served? This should answer if we need to make other plans.

2. When does WFG list available cow tags in the various units? I couldn't find this info, so if it exists I would like to know where I missed it.

Sorry for the delay---

I spent most of today at my Mom's gravesite with family---

I think I can get them out to you ASAP---though --- now that I am home...

>I'm getting senile. 121 instead of
>You'll be good to go with
>the reports from Robb.

***I wondered why you put that unit up. Now I know why, LOL!
Me, W-Bob and Mike/TopGun have been in the non-ressy draw game for so dang long---we deserve to hire an Intern for mistake free helping out!! haha

We always are willing to share---that is for sure.

I doubt there will be any 21 type 6 tags available after the resident draw, there wasnt last year.

May be some 21 type 7's.

I was given some outstanding help in trying to decipher this tag issue to help a guy who "allegedly" wanted to go with me. I sent the info from Robb and we talked. I thought getting right on it for 21 when the clock starts in July was an easy plan. Guess what, apparently it's too much work and he is going to stay in Idaho and sit in the same old elk camp here.

I give up. I have almost always hunted alone because of this "always an excuse not to go" unreliablity, but in the last few ayers I have attempted to get groups or singles who I know to go with on these outside the home state hunts. I think they are great adventures. Yet this happens again and again. I swear 95 percent of hunters I talk to seem to be in it as either a secondary reason to spend time with family or a primary reason to be away from their wives. Yet they all describe themselves as serious hunters, and I think they mean it. To me they seem serious about spending time with family or away from wives, and hunting is how they do it. Another observation is that they actually don't want to hunt anyplace except where they have hunted for 20 years? New places are uncomfortable and unacceptable I guess.

Maybe it's me, but I'm disgusted with them and thankful to you guys who tried to help. I will be looking to return the favor going forward.

Well, look at it like this....

It took me and W-Bob under 30 seconds.....

Plus at least he is being up front honest WAAAYYY before ya spent the money for any of the L.O. cow tags....

Bottom line---you did a stand-up reach out to help him via us...

You are good to go with no out of pocket $$$

Robb interested in any of those LO cow tags or RP cow tags talk to me.....I just had a buddy bail from Minn. for my Wyo bow elk camp....and there should be some LO/RP cow tags come next month.....

There are more casual hunters, by a landslide, than there are those that take it seriously.

I flat quit worrying about those that cant commit. Its not that important to me to do all the work and go through all the trouble of research, buying gear, scouting etc. for the sake of just having someone to hunt with.

I mean if all I'm going to save is half the gas money on a hunt and my hunting partner isnt going to contribute anything more...I'd rather go it alone. In particular on trophy hunts, I want to be the one making all the decisions...sink or swim on my own.

Cow elk hunts, leftover pronghorn hunts, family trips...different story.

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