
Very Active Member
the state land board and russle gordy of lone star cattle company now called THE FALLS RANCH. ARE DOING A UNDER THE RADAR LAND SWAP.
this will lock up area 19 elk and area 66 deer in wyoming, muddy mountain
they are trading mountain land for sage brush that is no use to sportsmen and land locking lots of blm land.
this will be a devistating blow to all sportsmen and will give gordy all out mountain land to him for his personal elk hunting.
they already have given the elk a sacuary where they run as soon as hunting starts. this has blown the elk populations ou of propotion for the area and devistated the mule deer hunting.
they take 7 elk (bulls) a year off a herd of 7000 the population should be 3000 as thats optimum carring copasity
we need to contact the wyoming state land board and wyomings governer and representitives to stop this trade.
the area he is trading for is not good cattle country he only wants it to close it off to other hunters.
one mans greed is going to hurt all sportsmen.
he has 50,000 acres of prime elk hunting already any one who couldn't get a 380" bull of the land he already owns must not be much of a hunter.
This doesn't suprise me and lone star trading any public lands from the state is a frightning thought. If this is true i will go to any public forum and voice my opinion. Just curious where you got this info.

"blaming guns for violence is like blaming spoons for Rosie O'donnell being fat."
state represenitive Mike Gilmore called me last thursday and i came back from cheynne to go to the first meeting in it.
he knew i would be upset about it.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I am in complete favor of keeping the lone star from getting any public lands, but would be bound and determined to keep lonestar from getting the lands you mentioned. They have enough prime hunting lands both private and public locked up.

"blaming guns for violence is like blaming spoons for Rosie O'donnell being fat."
I don't think the State has made public every parcel he's wanting to swap out. Talked to someone familiar with the proposal and he said 75% of the lands Gordy wants to swap out are already landlocked up in Deer Ck Park and some on the east edge of Muddy. I'm against it in principle, but if the land has no access anyway and Gordy is ponying up a good chunk of N. Platte River access, it may be worth it. If he was proposing to buy it with no exchange, I say reject immediately. I'm keeping an open mind until I see exactly what the proposal involves.
you can get on the e-mail list at [email protected]
jeffery will forward all corrispondences and news to you
its accessable threw the hunter management areas and smith creek all the land on the end of hat 6 road.
two county roads in it and once he gets the lands he will block the roads too.
if you ever fished smith creek you have been there, if you ever called coyotes deer hunted or antalope you have used it
from the old harry davis cabin to pole creek to the hat 6 road is vary accessable.
i tought my kids to drive, fished, called lots of coyotes, hiked,hunted goats and deer on this land.
we even take our 3-d targets out and practice our bows here.
i spend over 20 days a year on this land.
ed would roll over in his grave if he knew what has happend to his ranches.
We have two state represenitives on board with us now and closing in on 1000 people involed.
we can win this fight with all your help
don't just sit back complaining about rich ranchers taking out state lands and blm

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