HELP! Raccoon in Fireplace...



Anyone know of a good (safe) way to get a raccoon family out of our dampner flue in our fireplace. Burning them out has been a thought, but the wife has ruled that out. Any suggestions?

I'm a bit of a expert on the subject due to the fact that I had to get these same critters out of my grandmothers fireplace a time or two. Depending on the situation, it is not as difficult as you might think. Assuming you have reasonable access to the roof, and it is not an insane length of chimney, here is what I did.

Get some nylon rope about twice the length of the chimney. Then get some rigid tubing the length of the chimney. I used 1/2 inch emt conduit. The nylon rope works good because it is not very flexible and this makes it easier to make a snare. Find the midpoint of the rope and fish it down the tubing to make your snare. I had an extra set of hands to hold a good source of light so I could see what I was doing. Once the snare is in place down the chimney, it is just a matter of fishing them out one by one which is easier said than done.

It is best to wait until the little (or whatever you call them) is to the age that the mother does not spend as much time hovering around the area. They can be hostile if they see what you are up to especially if they are really young.

P.S. The babies make good pets until they get old, turn mean, and try to scratch your eyes out of your head.
LAST EDITED ON May-20-08 AT 11:20PM (MST)[p]Talk to Triple K....she's got the raccoon experience!

Smoke 'em out....effective and non-lethal, they shouldn't tolerate the smoke. A constant smoke supply for about an hour ought to do!

Or this one.....seal the fireplace as well as possible(duct tape does great) get 15 lbs of dry ice and just start dropping chunks( you'll have to break it up to get it in the chimney) the heavy CO will push all the oxygen more raccoons, and no mess with the ice. Now should the ever recognizable smell of death appear shortly there after, i'd say they didn't make it out before they suffocated.

2x triple k
some club baby HARP seals!!!!!!!!!!!!

some club baby r'coon!!!!!!!!!

did not hear it from me ok!
throw a few bags of doritos nacho cheese chips on the roof next door......then..............
blow bong hits up there and they'll get the munchies and leave! worked for my cuz'n!
worked in pest control for many years and got this call often. Tie a rope to a rag, soak it in amonia and drop it down the chimney as far as it will go. fumes will flow down through the fireplace and in short order the coons will leave. its likely mama with 2-3 babies, which she will carry out if they aren't old enough to climb out on their own
Then wait patiently with baseball bat & swing for the fences.

Kind of a disturbing, F-dude driving around town in a van with a giant cockroach on top, wearing a white jumpsuit with his embossed on it.
LAST EDITED ON May-21-08 AT 10:50PM (MST)[p]Let's get yer compressor hooked up, we'll build a cover over the front of the fire place, then apply pressure.
Ittle be like a big potato gun!

"Pull!!" *bang!* "loss..."

Seriously... 1911's idea sounds plausable... or the amonia on a rag.
If ya need help, yelp.

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