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Watched a 190 class buck drop the one side he still had. The question is do i leave it lay (private) or risk bumping the other deer out. He droped where they feed during the evening and night. Do you think the human order would cause them to not come back if I went in mid day? Still 10 to 12 bucks packing including a 200 plus non typical. Thanks
Me personally... would go up on the hill when the deer are no where to be seen and get off the mountain... then in a week or 2 just remember where you found it and go up after the other side...
That is a tough one. I would make sure no deer were within a 1000 yards and couldn't see you go pick it up. If the deer are always around there then I would just wait it but all up to you!
if you can get in there without busting any deer out of there and you get in there pick it up and get out i wouldnt worry about the human scent. i could see it being a issue if there was a few people beating the area up for a few hours it might move the deer. but sounds like the deer have made feeding there part of their ruteen and i think it will take more than that to bust them out. in my opinion. be careful not to bust any deer out of there and go pick it up. get in and get out.
No...I don't think the human scent would be a problem unless you take a duke up there or sumpin...get in, get out...done. Good Luck.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-13-12 AT 05:26PM (MST)[p]
If your name is right, i guess you are in Wyoming, if so, are those Idaho or Utah sheds? or is there a law that states you can pick up sheds in Wyoming if they are on private ground before May? IDK just curious.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-14-12 AT 08:21AM (MST)[p]Im east of divide in Wyoming. It is also ok on private land west of the divide and all lands east of the divide. As you can tell from the first post I care a lot about not pushing the deer. We have no snow where I shed hunt and they feed in hay and corn feilds, but still try to give them as much space as possible this time of year.

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