Help needed for a great family


Very Active Member
I live here in Colorado Springs and have many friends that were affected by the Waldo Canyon fire. One dear friend with 5 kids has lost everything they own. They were out of town when the fire happened so unlike everyone else that was evacuated they were not able to get their most precious belongings out before their home was reduced to nothing but a foundation. He lost several ATVs, snowmobiles, motorcycles that will not be covered by insurance along with his home. He was so happy to see that in all the rumble, his gun safe was still there as that was all he had to his name. However, upon opening it even his 17 guns including some that were passed down through the generations had all been lost inside as well. After talking to him today my heart broke for him and his family. Although they do have insurance he said that they will reach the maximum that the insurance will pay just to get their basic needs for his family and that he won't be able to replace his guns and hunting equipment. I have offered him what gear I have to borrow for his teenage daughters' upcoming cow elk hunts this fall.

I got to thinking that maybe if enough MMers here can pitch in a little bit maybe we could get him a new rifle and scope or some other hunting gear that he may not be able to replace for many years. I have an extra scope and money that I can give. If any of you can spare some old equipment, gift cards or money to put towards getting this great family in the woods doing what we all love to do, and maybe have a little time away from this terrible time for them, I know they would be forever grateful. I have not told him anything about this, I just wanted to see what we could do. Thanks.
I have a cabelas gift card he can have, not much but should help. How do I go about getting it to you?

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
Awesome...anything will help.

You can send anything you can help with to:

451 Rampart Range Rd.
Woodland Park, CO 80863

His name is Bruce Morgan.

I will collect anything I can get for a couple weeks or so and then get whatever you can spare to him in one lump. He really is a great guy that would give the shirt off his back to anyone.
Thanks to everyone with the pm's and donations. I will let him and his daughters borrow what ever equipment they will need for their hunt this fall but it will be nice to see them actually get some of their own equipment that they otherwise wouldn't be able to do. Thank you so much. MM crew is 1st class.
Open up an account at wells fargo that people can just go swing by and donate. I am sure we could see a couple thousand dollars donated pretty easily from the good folks on MM if they have an easy way to do it.
>Open up an account at wells
>fargo that people can just
>go swing by and donate.
> I am sure we
>could see a couple thousand
>dollars donated pretty easily from
>the good folks on MM
>if they have an easy
>way to do it.

+1 to this. I have seen this work on other forums. People are a lot more apt to help out if they can actually see the money going into an account, even if it's only $20 here and there.
I have a couple rifles I would be happy to let them use for as long as they need, a 308 and 7mm-08. Even got the ammo for them to I believe. I would like to donate as well so if you set up an account please let me know where to go and what name its under.

"Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints"
Thank you for the offer to borrow your rifles. If it comes to them needing to borrow a rifle I can provide that for them. I didn't make it to the bank to set up an account today. I will be there tomorrow. Thanks again for the donations alot of you have already supplied. I will try to get their hunts videoed or have them come on MM and give a story and pics.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-07-12 AT 07:51PM (MST)[p]"...........several ATV's, snowmobiles and motorcycles not covered by ins"......Hey, I'm sorry this guy lost his toys, but I got a real problem with this thread.

Everything I own, on a 10 acre rancho, could be insured for 10 years for less than the cost of a snowmobile.

I have 13 year old kids in the center I work with, whose Moms' own 2 pair of shoes, have no vehicle and work 2 jobs. We scrounge all over the valley to find fishing gear for these kids........

This situation exists in EVERY town in America and I just have a hard time feeling sorry for someone who has underinsured his "toy box"!

"I could eat a bowl of Alphabet Soup and
sh!t a better argument than that!"
So don't donate Nickman!!

There's kids in Africa that haven't eaten a thing for 3 days so why should I send your 13 year olds a fishing pole or their mom a pair of shoes?

My intention is to get these girls on a cow elk hunt to just maybe put a smile on someone's face that has just shoveled EVERYTHING they own through a sifter.

P.S. PM me an address for the fishing poles and what size shoes.
Marley I think Nickmen is just saying that maybe they should be grateful that they had ins to cover their house and other things,and I think they could give up a few items for a gun.jUST MY 2 CENTS

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