Help me score this ram?


New Member

I found this ram yesterday. How big is he?
Oh, that's a tough one. He damn sure looks good from that view and poor lighting. He is long, horns hang deep. Doesn't look real heavy but might be, just can't tell from the picture.

The picture actually looks like you took it inside Cabala's of a mount.

Did you get a good look at him or any other pictures??


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."
--Benjamin Franklin 1759
Im no expert but Id say mid to high 160's. Hes got that deep horn and big hole in the center but not real long and fairly thin. Gary
I'll guess mid 160s. Be nice to know what avg base size is like in the area your in. If he's one of those OR rams with 15"+ bases then I'm way off. Jason
162 to 164. This ram is too thin and too short to make 170. He shows a ton of potential, however, and deserves another 4 to 5 years to reach his max. Of course, that's always easier to say if you already have a bighorn or two under your belt. If this was a first ram, and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and the ram was legal, I'd take him. Pretty ram.
desert- do you think that is the same ram that i saw earlier this year? doesnt seem to have the mass as the other one, i dont look at to many sheep though. what do you think? travis

No Orion, this ram is over 30 miles from your ram. I have been trying to locate him and he keeps giving me the slip. How is scouting going? Here is a ram I saw Sunday near your spot.
looks like you have a few good ones located though, ill bet your wifes getting excited.

gave up on scouting. never saw any 4pts only smaller bucks. im relying on luck now. i went to one of those spots we talked about and it looked like a lot of the canyon was private so that was a little discouraging. i didnt even scout it much due to private property.

how much of that burned?? i saw there was a fire real close to there.

anyway, good luck with sheep, moose and every other tag you drew. i was a little suprised not to see your name drawn for the super hunts in idaho. you seem to be pretty lucky! far as drawing tags. take care. travis
Dude, you rock! Hope your wifes ram is bigger than yours though...Make sure in the pics you take, she removes the gloves huh? Course, as hot as it is now, I guess that won't be a problem...
Cool pics you guys, keep showing some more!!! 3 weeks more till I get to sheep hunt here in colorado. Gary

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