Help me plan a trip



Here's the deal, My parents are taking me and my family on a trip this year and can't decide where to go. Thinking the bahamas or mexico somewhere but my kids are 4,7,and 11. and we want to go somewhere that would be fun for them. I was hoping some of you seasoned travlers would have some ideas...
The Donkey show in Ciudad Acuna:) In all seriousness I would stay as close to the coast as possible and away from the boarder. Bad shiz going on down there right now
Take a Cruise from Cali or Washington state to ALASKA, forget them below the border places.

What Brian said.......unless you can afford to ransom your kids back from dirtbags.

Disneyland only has one upside are at least in your own country when you get shot.
Aside from being eaten by a whale at sea world or having my kids kiddnapped in mexico, which might not be such a bad deal. Is southern mexico in turmoile; cabo or cozumel were the two places we were looking at in mex. Parents have a time share. I would love to do the alaskan cruise, but don't know if my younger kids would enjoy it. What about hawaii.
Mexico is actually a lot safer than you think. There are some bad places and they definitely have problems but the great majority is safe. If your folks have timeshares down there - heck yes take advantage of them. Cozumel would be great.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Thanks Roy. My parents went to cozumel last year and thought my kids might like it too so that will probably be the place, I just thought I'd see if anyone had anyother ideas.
why in the hell would you go to mexico? like i tell the old lady there are thousands trying to get out of there every day and you want to go there? go some where you can drink the water!
Caribbean has a lot to offer, we were there last year and of all the islands we visited St. Lucia was our favorite.
Quite a bit to see and do, great beaches, friendly people, very clean island.
I went on a 7 day cruise in 2008 that left from texas and went to jamaica then to grand caymen island and then to cozumel. Grand caymen island was so awesome we went snorkeling and swimming with sting rays. Cozumel was way fun to go to all the little shops and dink around. Jamaica was the biggest Sh!t dive of a place i've ever been to in my life. It was like the whole island was one big landfill. Definetly stay away from jamaica
In April 2011 we are going on a 13 day tour of Egypt. Including a 3 day Nile cruise. Just a thought.

If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?
Don't be afraid of Mexico. The problems Mexico is having are in the Border Towns. Sure, bad things can hapen anywhere. Just use your head. I travel to Mexico several times a year and if you are driving just folow a few simple rules and you will be fine. Try to convoy with other vehicles but most of all don't drive the border areas at night. Cabo is alot of fun and very safe. The only annoyance are the locals trying to sell you trinkets.

Have fun.

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