help me find my bobcat from elk season



I was out elk hunting last year when I killed a bobcat. So this is totally related to elk hunting since I was watching elk at the time of the kill so it shouldn't be moved. Anyways, I killed a bobcat and sent it to taxidermy. Long story short is that the taxidermist up and sold it I'm pretty sure. Just so you guys can help I attached a picture showing his spots pattern. You will notice the one large oblong spot on his back that is very obvious. Even a blind man would be able to spot my stolen bobcat. This is going to depress me to the day I die if I cant find it and I will never be able to let this go. Please help, my mental well being depends on it!!!!!


Let me be the first to apologize for my retarted husbands bad behavior. His sense of humor is, um, different than most. Hes trying to be funny, not an arse... Thats a Dang nice bull and i would be upset too, i think a lot of people have offered you some great suggestions and you should run with them. Bringing this post to the top all the time is a bit annoying. Good luck finding your bull, hope it all works out!

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I, for one, find it FUNNY AS HELL!

It always helps when someone asking about stolen/lost taxidermy has included a picture or sketch!

I'll keep my eyes peeled for the bobby!This one should turn up with in days, as it IS very unique.

Good to know that there are people out there who enjoy his twisted sense of humor...I personally think he frickin hilarious, part of why i married him. Just seems that guys kinda sensitive bout the whole lost horns situation, and sensitivity is not stinkys strongest point. Still love him though.

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He just missed his Sensitivity Training class in school .... thought it was in Room 107 when it was instead in Room 103. Room 107 was a debate between Sam Kinnison and Andrew Dice Clay. He thought he passed the class with flying colors....
I'm not sensitive???? Just the other day I dropped a weight on my toe at the gym. I think I felt a tear or two well up. And I'm not sensitive. You jerks get your facts straight before you judge me! K!

In studying the sketch i have come to the conclusion i need to call BS on you Stinky....that Cat was run over by a semi, and then by a steam roller. you may have shot at it, but you only scared it into traffic.

Dangit tag, shut ur trap. Either way I was ultimately responsible for the death of my bobcat.

Making an educated guess... but judging from the pattern of the spots... your cat must have been really sick... it probably was eating some grass and went "Mooo" huh ?

Too funny

I agree with Destiny. You shot a Holstien stinky.

marco, becareful because stinky's left arm is bigger than your thighs and arms put together. I have seen him throw a 500 pound Oryx in a Chevy lifted up 8" all by himself.;-)
Well I did call him up at a local dairy destiny if that helps explain the spots. ROFL! And here I was thinking I was the only smart arse in here. ROFL!

Hey KTC, I didn't hear you complaining about my conan outfit when you were down here. I had to hire body guards just to keep you off me. Also, when are you comin outa the closet KTC??? were all waiting! Don't deny it! you know your dying to post pics of us together. lol

Dude, you are dilusional! That heat down there is drying your brain up!;-)

QTPIE, you deserve some kind of an award putting up with that meat head! Ha!
thats a very nice rendering, i'll be on the lookout for him.

btw, you dont have the skills to bag a bobcat
LAST EDITED ON Jul-25-09 AT 08:44PM (MST)[p]ok now this is freakin funny!!!! i take my hat of to stinky on thjis one! Wait this wasnt shot on the dutton was it? cause if i find it ill prob use it for a rug in front of my toilet...then i can be the stinky stomper
No, he was shot off a dairy on the panquitch! Now will you give him back???? lol

LAST EDITED ON Jul-26-09 AT 00:27AM (MST)[p]stinky ithink i found your bobcat it seems to fit your sketch pretty accuratly

Who did the taxi work was it the Taxi from Utah who's is one of Utah's best. LOL
That some good work.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

I just thought I would point out that the most telling mark on your bobcat is not the oblong spot. Your bobcat has a head that resembles Daffy Duck. I will keep a lookout for a bobcat with a duck's head. I think we can fnd it!
WTHeck? I plainly stated I was elk hunting when I shot this cat! why did it get moved to the campfire. It shoulda stayed in the elk forum. Now I'm gonna have to post some sketch of my lost elk to keep up with the "help me find my bull" guy. Thanks mods, I feel another dutton thread coming up!

you actually touch the weights at the gym?
a couple of butt cheeks flex's usually work for me and I'll have homos spotting for me all day....
I saw your dink bobcat at Bass pro shop today in Manteca CA!

Stinky's Spotted Cat Spotted on I-15 today

Hey Stinky... saw your Cat on the Freeway today... seem to be enjoying the ride.... make sure nobody messes with your gun sights cause he looked pretty alive.


RE: Stinky's Spotted Cat Spotted on I-15 today

Why dont you just Buy another one!

Not everyone can buy another 360 Bull like some people.
RE: Stinky's Spotted Cat Spotted on I-15 today

LMAO!! I'm sure glad I opened this one :) after reading the atv damaging a trail sign thread I really needed one like this!! A few of those people need to take a frickin midol or somethin IMO...

Stinky use that creativity of yours and offer an interesting reward for solid information leading to the safe return of your cat skin!! If enough is offered the truth will come out's some no questions asked proof...


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