help for justr



Fyi, and account has been set up at zion bank for the kole mair family. Just thought I would let all of you know, incase you want to help. I think the last thing this family needs to worry about is money right now.

LAST EDITED ON Jun-24-11 AT 10:23AM (MST)[p]Nv, we just sent him some money through paypal. Just send the money to [email protected]. if you do not have a paypal account, just go to the website and set up an account. It is safe,secure and easy. All you need is your banking info, if you want the money to come straight from you checking or you can use a credit card, the only other thing you need is an email address, and the email address of the person you are sending the money to. hope this helps. If not, you could always send a check to bessy or someone you trust to get the money to him. Thanks guys...

Welcome guys, glad I can help....and I know kenny appreciates it more then you guys know....I figured he would not post info cuz he doesn't want to ask or put anyone out, but I know he really appreciates it. I know we all must feel the same broken hearts and its hard to show support when you do not live close by. And if you can't give anything money wise I know he appreciates the kind words and prayers.

Nicely done and thank you QT.

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
Thats a great idea.

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
I have a Zions Bank right up the road here.

What type info do I give the teller to donate some money?

A name or acct # or what?

Thanks Missy---

For those of us who are many miles away and don't use paypal or know anyone on here close enough to pass a donation to, would it be possible for someone to give the full name and address of the family so we can donate directly to them? Thank you!
LAST EDITED ON Jun-28-11 AT 05:41PM (MST)[p]2lumpy posted this in the general. Hope you don't mind it being here also

A US Postal Address is:
Kenny Mair
Route 4
Box 4241
Roosevelt, Utah 84066

I did receive permission from a family member to post the address.

Let's fill'er up folks.


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