Help field juggling moose



I am looking for some help. I am leaving at the end of the week for my week long Idaho moose hunt. I would like to see some pix of moose and what it scored to help me judge my moose. Thanks for the help.
The best way for determiming width is to use the space from eye to eye. Shiras are 9.5 inches. If you have 1 1/2 eye lengths past the eye on each side you are looking at a 38 inch bull. 2 eyelengths past is 47.5 inches wide. You also need at least double brow points, you really get docked if he only has single ones on either side, good luck. Here's mine...142 6/8 B&C gross, ...40 3/8 wide with longest palm 25 2/8, greatest palm width of 11 3/8, with 6 6/8 bases and he's a 9X9.

Heres my wifes, also 40 wide, 36 inch palms, bases just over 6. Score 166 gr.


Theres logic, and theres women. They don't go together.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-29-13 AT 05:00PM (MST)[p]Thanks 30Hart and Yelum.That is a lot of help this is what I was looking for thanks for the help
here is my 2013 unit 3 Wy. bull taken with a bow at 10yds.Very exciting hunt,during the RUT.13 yrs. of waiting and buying P.P.and thinking about the hunt ??? Well worth the wait, 47" wide,37" palms 7 1/8 bases = 400 4/8 SCI and waiting for P&Y score,170ish ? ... Good Luck on your hunt. Bruce & SilverGrand



Check out a link called "Moose antler Growth" on this forum for good advice. I asked the same question a few months ago.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-13-13 AT 01:23PM (MST)[p]I looked at that too before my hunt, good info! +1
I heard he was crushed while juggling moose!

He's in pretty rough shape so we will have to wait for his hunting/juggling stories!

Man, we should have been there for him.


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