!Help! Dog Sprayed by Skunk



I killed a skunk last night that has been eating the dog food that spilled outside the dog kennel. Finally after a week of this, I finally hung my tag on the trophy black & white elusive massive skunk. So this morning my boys let their dog out and shee rolled in the spray that the skunk deposited before he went to the big pasture in the sky.

A long time ago I read an article on washing your dog if sprayed by a skunk, I don't remember what the recipe was and I was hoping some of you might have an idea how to rid my dog of theis putrid smell. I know Tomato Juice, but is their anything else that will work better?

Please, any other ideas you guys have I would love to hear them. The dog can't come back in the house until we wash this stink off her and my boys sleep with her every night. HELP, please. How do I rid my dog of this STINK................

Thank you

White Vinegar and Hot water works rather well. Mix it about 50/50, wash the dog with it and then rinse with warm water until the vinegar smell is gone. Depending on how saturated your dog was with stink, it may take a couple of washes to get the stink out.
Trust me, I just went through "skunk hell" and this works. Wash the dog with a mixture of 1 Quart Hydrogen Peroxide, 1 Tablespoon Dawn dish soap, and Baking soday, I think it was a cup. The skunk that got my dog also sprayed my house. The smell woke me from a sound sleep and I could not even stay in the house. After I washed the dog everything still stunk so bad I had to load up the dog and take him to town to have my kids smell him. My nose was worthless by this time. They said he smelled a little like baby powder. trust me thats not what he smelled like earlier. Worked 100% the dog now looks woth ways before he even goes out the door.
The October 18, 1993 issue of Chemical and Engerning News (p. 90) gives a
formula developed by chemist Paul Krebaum (Lisle, IL) for deodorizing a skunk
afflicted pet. The formula is: 1 quart 3 % hydrogen peroxide; ? cup baking soda
(sodium bicarbonate); 1 teaspoon liquid soap. The bath should be followed with
a tap water rinse.
Hey guys, THANK YOU all so much i really appreciate it. It is so nice to be able to come on here and have people help you out that fast. Thank's alot everybody, much apprecitated.

Oh yea, GO Vikings!!!!!!!

See and everything was good till the Vikings part...lol

I hear ya, I'm trying to tell my boy's to root for another team and not ot be Viking fans. I don't want them to suffer like I have. My oldest son always ask me "dad will the Vikings ever win the Super Bowl" and I always anwser NO, never son.

So to all the young ones out there DON'T be a Viking fan (jk).

My wife had a half Chow half Lab. It took on the looks of the Chow so it had really long hair. It was out one night and got sprayed good. When we found out she had snot and puss coming out of her eyes and nose it was so bad. We were going to try the old tomatoe juice wash but did not have any available. I ended up washing her with some canned stewed tomatoes and it worked great. Considering she was a long haired dog, you could not smell much skunk odor after I was done which was rather amazing when considering my initial contact with her made my eyes burn and throat hurt.
Kick the stinkn' sumb!tch outside for about a month ... he'll smell like a dog after that.

Seriously ... lets us know how all the tomato cures work. Never worked for me!

<smile ... puke .. barff>

Ive always used the tomato juice after the labs get sprayed around the house.

Out in the field I smoke them...build a real smoky fire ( throw green leaves on it) and had my partner grab the dog by one set of paws and you grab the other, and swing the dog thru the smoke about 10 times or until the smell gets nuetralized. This is alot of fun when your pouch weighs about 100lbs...

I have a chocolate lab and she has got use to it.. at home she just jumps in the bathtub..she knows what's coming..Ive only had to smoke her 3 times..she is not too awful fond of it.

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