help an injured vet...



LAST EDITED ON Sep-30-07 AT 09:52AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Sep-30-07 AT 09:51?AM (MST)

a friend of mine got a few of his buddies together and came up with this website to help some of our vets coming back from Iraq, who have been stuglling with the fact that our government has not met their needs to support them when returning to the USA, mamed or disabled... or [email protected]
LAST EDITED ON Sep-30-07 AT 11:06AM (MST)[p] Good cause Manny. I find it interesting how many people feel " support the troops " means send them to war. but when they come home injured a rat infested hospital is plenty good enough. we can come up with the money for ever larger recruitment insentives to get them to the front line but can't seem to take care of them once they head back home. maybe " support " means " send " ?

I just read where there's an estimated 200,000 homeless vets in the US, many with physical or mental problems. now if that's not support you tell me what is.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-30-07 AT 02:52PM (MST)[p]Manny and Dude

I sent in my email address already and encourage everyone else to do also. This is a very good idea and hopefully politics can be left out for the benifit of the servicemen.
By the way I found this new flag.


Thanks for doing this i am one the disabled soldiers that came back intact, i am disabled but mine is mentally and not physically. I know people who "support the troops" when it makes them look good, but in reality dont do anything when no one is looking... I added my email and am excited to see how this works out. And will forward as many people that i think can help out. Thanks again
Thank you for putting this up here. I too am a service member. US Marine Corps infantry. I was lucky to come back with no bullet holes or limbs disfigured by IED's. I am getting out in 4 weeks and would love to help someone out. The best would be to take them hunting. So they can get out and do what we do and don't ever think about what it could be like for the others.

Sgt Mike

Aim Center Mass

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