Hells Canyon Rams



This Spring we took a fishing vacation to the Hells canyon area
and we spotted and took pictures of these two rams.
I was impressed, they are as big as the rams in my home state of Montana.
Does anyone know how to upload pic's?
I keep getting a "script error" message..
wapiti-here's your shots of the rams. they look like real nice ones to me. good pics and thanks for sharing






Hey thanks alot for posting them.
Great job.

I think they have Montana ram blood around there. (sun river)
let me guess, just above the highway between Brownlee dam and the town of Oxbough?
Sounds like you have seen them too!!
I'm sure alot a people have there eyes on them.
Have you seen them recently?
Were they hanging around the hills above the boat landing on Oxbow Res.? That's where I usually see them in the spring. Gotta love the smallmouth bass fishing around there.....
Yes, that's the rams hang out in the spring. They are nice rams!
The fishing in the spring is so good that I have to go there every spring, from Montana. Not a better place to get a kid hooked on fishing. That's the main reason the family heads down there for a week.
I haven't checked OR regs. but isn't this a sheep unit? Looks like a fairly easy sheep hunt if drawn.(if the rams hang out there)
If I am not mistaken those pic's have been on a magazine or maybe it was an e-mail a while back? Has anyone else seen these pic's? Very nice either way. Thanks for sharing.
These pic's were taken on a fishing vacation and I never have submitted them to any publication. Although maybe I sould. Thanks for the idea.

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