Hello Again ... Been A While



Hello again everyone,

Some of you may remember me from quite a while back. I haven't posted much in about a year and a half or so. I've been lurking around here for a little while now just to get up to speed and decided to say hello.

I 've been very busy with my kids and the ranch that I haven't had much free time, and I just got internet at my place about two months ago.

I got a little burnt out on hunting this past year too - I had two tags that I had waited 5 years a piece for and due to family and ranch work I only got about a day for each hunt - I filled my tags but not really the hunts or outcomes I dreamed of - oh well I have lots of hunts ahead of me.

As some of you might remember shortly before I disappeared form here I had quit my job to start ranching with my dad and uncle and had just had my third child - about two months earlier than he was supposed to have arrived. Well, we got to take him home after about five weeks in the hospital and he's been doing good ever since, he's abuout a year and a half old now. (BTW if you're planning on having kids get some health insurance if you don't have it - even if you don't get it through work - its worth it)

This was him about two days after he was born


And this is him now


I know Bessie won't like the picture but they only drive it on private land!!

Here is a picture of all of the young 'uns


Again - they're on private land - no tune up needed.

I'm still enjoying my career move but the ranching business is a bit scary rignt now with our very dry weather this year, high gas/fuel prices, high feed prices and the cattle market. Of course i'm not in it to get rich - it's just a good honest living.

Anyway, it's nice to be back and see lots of familiar names, along with lots of new ones - lots of good posts too - keep it up.


Keep the Sun at Your Back and the Wind in Your Face
Welcome back, I bet your wishing that your was as Least dry farming a couple hundred acres of wheat, LOL you know how the cycle run the cattle market will be back around soon. I wish I had the the nuts to pull the trigger and move back to the South Dakota ranch and do the same as you, But I think those days are pass me.
Good to see you're doing good. I love that last pic....that is the kind of place kids are supposed to grow up in..they are very lucky......what kinda beer does that kid favor, can't read the label.

hey joel...so nice to have you back among us...happy to hear the kids are doing well..i'm sure we all remember what you went through with your 'third'..that was an anxious time for all....especially your immediate family..and, you are right...you have lots of hunts ahead of you...thanks for the pics and the updates..good lookin' crew ya got there..
LAST EDITED ON Jul-14-08 AT 09:43AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jul-14-08 AT 09:23?AM (MST)


Welcome back and glad to see that the whole family is doing just fine. Great pictures and thanks for posting the pictures.

JB doesn't know the difference between a bottle of drinking water and a bottle of beer. LOL

I keep getting asked each year by friends to come back to ND and hunt them whitetail deer on their ranch as I am not into Pheasant hunting, maybe will have to take them up on it soon. You ever heard of a place called MOTT, N.D.??

Again, welcome back and hope to see more from you.


I'm ahappy we don't ahve more wheat than what we did seed - no rain - looks terrible - plus wheat grown by cattle ranchers rarely looks as good as wheat grown by wheat farmers!! If it was my say - we wouldn't seed any wheat at all - omly feed for the cattle. Where ya from in SD?

Keep the Sun at Your Back and the Wind in Your Face
Hey d13 - that's not a beer bottle but he does enjoy a Schlitz Ice every now and then..........HA

Gentry - nice to see you around, been on the shed forum - looks like you had another good year.

Brian - I only live about 30 miles from Mott as the crow flies(in ND that's practically neighbors) - that's actually where the gunsmith I use lives and has his shop, so I get down there every now and again. They do have lots of pheasants, and probably some really nice bucks too. Pretty much anywhere west of Bismarck and south of I-94 has lots of pheasants though - until you hit the badlands. And the whole state has pretty good deer. I do think you should take them up on their offer - they call Montana the Big Sky state - but how much sky can you see with all those pretty mountains in the way? Seriously though - from the middle of the yard at our ranch on a clear day if you look to the south - you can see a hill that is something like 30 or so miles away.

Keep the Sun at Your Back and the Wind in Your Face
Around Huron area, Dry ground farming sucks, Me I like Chasing cows instead. We use to hunt just south of the border out in North Cave Hills area, Great Muleys and a few Big WT call those canyons home..

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