

Active Member
Just a quick Question on fletching helical, Should a lefty as myself be shotting arrows with a left,right or straight helical or does it really matter.I can't seem to find any info on this subject.
Doesn't really matter. Most shoot right helical, but again, doesn't matter. Hope it helps and have fun.

BOHNTR )))---------->
I used to fletch arrows full time at an archery shop a few years back and every arrow that we put fletchings on we put just a slight right off-set. Depending on the rest that you shoot, helicals are sometimes hard to get good clearance with. With that being said I am a fan of just the right off-set and not so much the helical. Good luck
Maybe I mis-understood your original post, but if you're simply asking if you must shoot left helical because you're left handed, the answer is no, it doesn't matter. Just remember, if you're shooting feathers, they must ALL be the same type of feather (left or right wing). With vanes, it doesn't matter, as they are all the same.

I know many archers that shoot helical with good results, especially when using fall-awy rests. Slight off-set also works but it is not as stable when shooting some broadheads, IMO. Hope it helps.

BOHNTR )))---------->
thanks guys I've been shooting factory fletching and had good luck so far with grouping,Just bought a new switchback thought I would try some different set ups but sounds like I just need to stick with whats worked so far.

thank again for the info Brian

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