heaven gets another.......great dog!



sad day!
my 14 yrs old chocolate lab AXLE past away! he live a long fullfilled life, happy go lucky the last 3 year after being retired from waterfowl hunting.
sad my 13 yrs found him first..just up and died I honsetly thought he was in ...ok shape! vet thinks it was time(just old!)!
he looked like he was just napping so I know he was not in pain! I will miss him.......all dogs go to heaven! I still have Bart my 5 yrs old black lab and they were ok with each other not real buddys! bart my get a bit loney now I think but I will spend more time with him and keep him busy.
Love'em while you can when their gone you will miis them!
sorry... I know just a dog, but he was my hunting best friend alot of years!
I'll stop now.



Sorry to hear about losing your buddy. You sure get attached to them. We almost lost our dog this last month and it made me sad just thinking about it. It sounds like you and Axle had lots of good times together, just keep replaying those thoughts and the pain of the loss will pass.
God bless,
Very sad day for sure....It's amazing how much they become a part of your family.
doggie CSI..that was funny! ya I think Bart knows there
will be more food from now on!
now its my 5 yrs Bart(lab), my sons pug named "Puck" who's 6 mos old(the alien) and his 1 eyed cat who was nursed back to health as kitten and only an hour or so from death that we found on our porch, and the other cat with is the must moody ##### you will ever meet!
so plenty of pets still.. thanks folks
It is always tough to loose a good lab. But he led a long productive life and it was his time to go, sounds like he went quickly and never had to suffer. Thats the best you can hope for.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
I hear ya dude.

Lost Banjo last summer. She was 16.

Three legged Blue Tick Coon Hound.

She was the cat's meow, I chit you not.

I get darned attached to'em. Too attached.

Jack....I hope posting about it helps the healing process. We have one that is now 13. Hate to see the day that we all know will come. What friends they are. We all feel for you and are sorry for your loss.
Dogs have no adjenda ... they truly like you ... can't always say that about other species. Sorry for your loss.

Condolences...what else can a person say who loves his dog and knows that day will come to him too.

I gotta go with Chloride on this. You can be a miserable POS and they still stick with you. Had to put down our 14 yo lab last summer. Held him in my arms as he passed. One of the worst days of my life. Hang tough, we've all been there.
I just tucked my 6 year old in bed with his 4 month old rat terrier under the covers with both their heads on the same pillow. Ain't nothing cuter than a boy with HIS dog.

God needed a good dog because duck season is a bout to start at the big pond upstairs.

"If it moves shoot it again"
Rack, sorry bout your loss. Gonna be there soon myself I'm afraid. My GWP will be 12 by the end of chukar season. She's having a hard time getting up the stairs but can still jump in the back of my truck when she thinks she's going hunting. She's the one dog I've owned that I feel I did right by. Actually gave up waterfowl so we could chase chukar, pheasant and quail more. 1,000 birds later I have no regrets.
Sorry to hear about your loss. Been there before. It's tough. Got an 8-1/2 yo Chocolate now. Treat'n her better'n gold these day's. 1,000+ retrieve's so far and a million off-season memorie's. She can thank my earlier dog's for the current attention we're giving her (back before I knew how much attention they needed). For every minute I spend with her I get repaid tenfold. I've brushed death twice getting her out of a pickle (frozen water) and in hindsight..........would do it again! Grouse season open's Saturday! Go hunt!
Rackmaster, I'm sorry for your loss, I lost my ol friend back in January and it still chokes me up when I think about him. There is not much a man can say to make the hurt go away but I just want you to know that our thoughts and prayers are with you. Everybody is different and you will have to decide when the right time is to get another dog. I choose to get another dog a couple of months after Jake died and it helped me alot. But like I said everyone is different, good luck and keep your head up.

LAST EDITED ON Aug-29-07 AT 07:56PM (MST)[p]Sorry for your loss RackMaster. Terrible to lose a friend and family member. I know it will happen to my hunting buddy as well someday and hope he is still leading me after 14 years. On a side note, he answers to Axl as well.

Do you have some memorable shots of your bud to share with us?
here's my other buddy Bart!

..... hes not the same as AXLE(axle was a different brute like a quite storm. Axle barked maybe once a year however I never lost a DUCK, GOOSE, OR DITCH CHICKEN in 10 years he hunted with me.) Bart has endless energy and is smaller, but he is smarter than some people I know...really!
But I thought he would be depressed and lonely but all I think now is Bart figures their will be more food now and wonders when is duck seasons opening day and will we draw Tule Lake!
My son also has a new puppy (a Pug named "Puck" the high maintanance alien! but its a cool dog.).
thanks again folks.

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