Heaven Bound!


Long Time Member
We have lost quite a number of good old boys from our ranks, the last 10-15 years. A lot of guys that cashed in, provided a lot of content and humor to the Forum.

We should start a list, everyone can contribute to it, because there a many some of us never knew or passed before we signed on. Founder could start a Memorial category, where these names and some memories could remain there and be added to, as a way keep their memories alive.

Here is a very short list that come to mind for me. There are more but I can’t think of them now.

Sage Advice

Let’s see some more gentlemen.

Add some stories, to go with them if you wish……. But let’s keep a simple list going with just their MM login names, for sure.
I've got an Idaho lifetime license. They can't send me to Utah!! :)

Every day I thank the stars that I'm still here, and having the pleasure of family and friends. made more clear this weekend when a friend 10 years younger had a heart attack, and they found 90% blockage of one artery. In town and quick response saved her!!
Blank, that's pretty cool about your son! I can't imagine trying to pack out an elk 10 miles on a bike!

I know a couple guys in Alaska that did a similar thing on a sheep hunt in a non-motorized area. They rode mtn bikes with trailers 25 miles into dall sheep country. Once to sheep country they packed in another 10 miles and harvested 2 super rams! That's pretty bad azz!

It's amazing to hear some of the crazy stories from some of our predecessor's that conducting hunts in the good ole days! Times have really changed.
Not Sure We Are Talking About The Same Roy?

But here's One Of His Threads:

The one with 76 photos? Maybe I’m retarded….
It is the hardest thing in life- losing friends, families and pets too. I've had a hard time with a couple friends who passed here on MM. Hoping they are enjoying their reunions with all their loved ones .
How do you know they are going to Heaven? Hope they are! But there's a Hell too.
Good question Moe. In truth, I don’t know.

Additional, I don’t know if there is either a heaven or a hell………. but, I hope there is, I believe there is, and I have faith there is.

At my age, I don’t know one tenth of what thought I knew. Anymore I’m not sure I know for certain gravity is real.

So, I hope there’s a heaven and I hope they are there. Sorry for naming the post poorly.

Are we good now?
I had a random run in with a friend of Rocketman earlier this spring. Was on a ZOOM call and this gentleman had a picture for his background that looked awful familiar. It was a high country 76 elk herd photo. I opened another screen to jump on MM. Searched up Rocketman and BOOM popped up a bunch of his old threads with photos. Short search and I found the picture Rockmans old friend was using. We went around the ZOOM room doing introductions and when it came to him I inquired about photo and "Rocket dog". He went straight faced and his eyes glossed over. He acknowledged with a smile of dismay. Sure as chit they were friends. I expressed our common interest with a mutual hunting forum along with my appreciation of his friends photos, old threads, and how he continues to be part of conversations.

I had a random run in with a friend of Rocketman earlier this spring. Was on a ZOOM call and this gentleman had a picture for his background that looked awful familiar. It was a high country 76 elk herd photo. I opened another screen to jump on MM. Searched up Rocketman and BOOM popped up a bunch of his old threads with photos. Short search and I found the picture Rockmans old friend was using. We went around the ZOOM room doing introductions and when it came to him I inquired about photo and "Rocket dog". He went straight faced and his eyes glossed over. He acknowledged with a smile of dismay. Sure as chit they were friends. I expressed our common interest with a mutual hunting forum along with my appreciation of his friends photos, old threads, and how he continues to be part of conversations.

If you check out the bottom link, I think rocketman's name was Roy.

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