Headless Mike?????????

I saw a documentary on Mike the Headless chicken a while back. Ever since I've been trying to get one to do that when I'm butchering. Hasn't worked yet but it's been fun for the whole family. Except my wife, she thinks I'm a little weird. Who can figure women? If it works I'm gonna be freakin famous!!!
joebuck, ya need to chuck it's head up in a band saw and saw off a little at a time to figger out the right amount you can cut off before they croak. when i was a kid we had a whole flock o' headless chickens. they can't tell when the sun is comin' up and are a lot quiter in the morning.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-04 AT 02:56PM (MST)[p]Maybe the owner choked it too much!

And you guys thought elk were tough.
Bandsaw! Why didn't I think of that? I'm goin' to the hen house to get a bird right now. I'll post later when I have the results.LMFAO

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