Heading out for the big boat ride!


Very Active Member
Hey guys,
Just leaving to head south to get on the big boat for our cruise to the Mexican Riviera.
I'll be thinking of a lot of you as I spend the next week checking out the beautiful scenery. :p I hear the mountains and the valleys are nice on those ships...and I hear they don't wear much either! ;-) I may even check out the Mexican landscape if I get time
I'll try to keep you all posted and maybe see if I can slip you a shot of any nice scenery that may get in the way of my camera..
I'm hoping to fill up a few SD cards for future reference.. :7
Let me know what flavor you like and I'll try and bring back samples.........


HAVE FUN rick!!!




THERE'S ONLY ONE bobcat!!!
Your gonna dip your chip in a little salsa for the whole team?

Now i KNOW i like this guy, thanks Rickster!!!! :p

Atta boy Rick... That's what you call team spirit. I will be on a similar boat in the Caribbean first week of March. Hope I can step up to the task as you have.
Good luck Rick! Have a safe and happy trip. Watch out for salmonella on the buffet! Nothing worse the seasickness and salmonella poisoning mixed together.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Wow, what a day...Drove to LA and damn I'm glad I don't live down here. We printed out a google map to get us down to the hotel on the harbor, and it seems every freaking road had a detour or was completely blocked off....Dang Google anyway!
But we finally made it to the hotel room after touring every back street in LA and will be jumping on the ship tomorrow. Boy I sure wish I was up on the mountain elk hunting with CAelkhunts again doing this play by play rather than downtown LA!
I'll see what I can do to be sure that you all have a good time on my behalf.. and Slam, I will try to find you some super hot "salsa" and take a dip....LOL.... What happens in Mexico, stays in Mexico, right??????
I should probably send PM's to each of you that request, so I can tell you in private just how much fun you really had! ha!

Ty, I've heard the zip line was awesome, but I'm just barely learning to walk again. I'm hoping if I really play the limp and pain ticket, maybe some of the little senioritas will feel sorry for me and...................

Better stop before I get myself in a lot of trouble too early!
Later guys!

Where you boarding the ship? San Pedro? Long Beach?
Just curious. I live south of there by Newport Beach.
WE are boarding in San Pedro at 1 pm today.....Currently sitting in the Holiday Inn waiting for all these dead heads I am with to WAKE UP!
That's funny Rick.. I am doing the same thing but I am in Colorado. My wife and daughter are still in bed. Spent yesterday in Estes Park. Thinking about relocating to the Boulder area. Daughter is a teacher and she wants to move to Cherry Creek area.
Have a great time, we are leaving in 4 weeks for an Australian Cruise that does a complete circle arouund Australia for 28 days. Got to stay away from the buffets because I'm trying to lose 20 pounds before hunting season this year.
larrbo...that is why I'm going on an early cruise, so I can maybe have time to trim off the excessive fat I plan on adding this week...LOL!
When we done the Alaskan cruise a couple of years ago, I done pretty well and didn't gain a lot, even though it seemed we never stopped eating.
I don't know if I could do a 28 day shot or not. There are too many other things I "need" to do (hunt, fish, shed hunt, ride atv's, etc) that I would miss, and seeing those halls and rooms on these ships would get old after more than a week..IMO..
I hope you have a good time though.
Model_70 sent you a PM..
Hope you have a good trip. I'm sure you'll get some good pics. If any are to good to be allowed on MM, you can email them to me. I won't nuke them, I promise!!!

Let me know when you get back.


Hey Jake, We will do our best to enjoy the float. And I'm never lucky enough to get any of those really good pics that wouldn't be allowed on here...LOL... but believe me, the camera will be ready and if an opportunity presents itself, cha-ching! I'll have the video and a still camera with me at all times... As you know you always need to ready for everything when hunting!
If I do get some good pics, I'm going to have to keep the wife from nuking them...
Will call when we get back!
Where is Steph's buck going to be at the expo? Do you know yet?
I am not speaking to you until you get back to this frozen chit-hole antlerplick!;-)

Have fun if that is possible in 80 degree weather, bikinis, booze, and sunshine! Be safe ar!
Yeah, 28 days if far and away the longest I have been gone on a trip. I'm trying to semi-retire over the next few years. By being gone that long it will make the kids make decisions without me. Then comes alot more fishing and hunting.
Day one at sea headlines!!!!

"Senior Citizen Week comes to the Sapphire Princess"

Sub stories:
"Little old lady from Pasadena looses teeth in Buffet Line.."

"Prune Juice levels critically low as elderly consume solid foods"

Boy, aint this just my luck. Been on the ship for one afternoon and evening and ktc, I haven'e seen one bikini! I wonder if I got on the wrong cruise or something. I'm afraid looking for hotties on this cruise is going to be like looking for the Spyder bull on the Utah open bull units!!!!!
I'm hoping that things change today once the sun comes up.
Here's keeping my fingers crossed!!!
RE: Day one at sea headlines!!!!

You better start looking for a good beach at the port!

Good luck my friend!
RE: Day one at sea headlines!!!!


Steph will be at the expo with her buck. Looks like she will be right next to Spyder. I kind of feel bad for her. I'll bet it is going to be a cluster there with everyone wanting to get a look at him! I don't know if I'm going to make it up there. If I do, it will be on the weekend. Steph has tickets to Foxworthy. I hope I can make it for that, I'd hate to see her go alone!
RE: Day one at sea headlines!!!!

Hey, not all is bad...I won the main drawing for $500 worth of art yesterday on the Sailaway party...2600 people on board..
And another plus, this crowd doesn't eat much!!! LOL...
2600 people on the boat? It must feel like opening day of deer season! You going to swim with a Dolfin?

Hey Rick....I never thought you as the Senior Cruise type....you need to find you a good NUDE BEACH or something man!!!

I am jealous as can be that you are down there!! Thanks for the updates and the making me wish that I was there!!! I guess I deserve it from the pics I send you from the Duck Blind!! haha

Hope you have a GREAT time and I want to see the "good" pics and not just the ones you can post here!!

Hey OldJake....I will be at the expo...If Steph needs some company at the Foxworthy show, we have tickets, she can come hang with us!! :) Hope to see you guys up there!!
Things were starting to look up...Day 2, lots of sun and a few nice pieces of scenery were starting to show up...Tomorrow was the first day to hit the beach in Puerto Viarta!!!! It is now 4am in Mexico and I have just been diagnosed with the dreaded Cruise BUG and have been quarantined to my room for 48 hours...I was finally going to see what I came to see and ZAP, that is over....Going to miss the first day on dry ground again!
What else can go South???? Geez Roy, I think it was you who cursed me with the bug? LOL....
Well, guess I'll get to know my room a lot better tomorrow!!!
Hey Rick, hope you and Beverly are having a great time. Just got back from being away for the final few days of duck season (Youth only weekend) so didn't get to read your daily updates till now. Sounds like you're enjoying it, and yeah, I'd rather be elk hunting than driving through LA too! Enjoy that ride down and back, from Cabo to San Diego you're going through prime fishing country. That's where the San Diego long range boats fish.

Where's pictures?
Hey Rick,
Dustin says that while he is laughing, he is feeling bad for you at the same time. Truly, you must be kidding. Talk about some bad luck. Well at least Beverly will get to check out the hot guys on the beach. Maybe she can send me some pics of them. I bet all you guys would like to see some of those pics for a change LOL!!


Yea Steph, It is funny the way my luck always goes, but it kind of sucks in here today..Good thing is that I read the wrong date on Puerto Viarta...Tomorrow is the day we hit that port so if all goes well, I will be able to go and check it out. The rest of the family is up on the bow watching whales and dolphins and flying fish today.
I'll tell Bev you want pics too!!! LOL...I can't believe you women!!!!
I think I am over this crap but they make you wait 24 hours before they will let you leave the cabin, so wish me luck!!!
Hey Rick, I hope you heal up fast so you can enjoy the rest of your cruise. This gives you a whole new meaning to the term "cabin fever".
WTF???? I can not believe you get out of the valley and then get SICK???? That sucks man!!!

Hope you get feeling better and get out there and enjoy the sights!!!
That's OK, rick is enjoying a really big room with lots of amenities, I'm sure. Of course, if you've ever been on a cruise ship, you know that is total BS about the big room!
I'm guessin' AR is feeling better. If he were still sick, he would've been bored enough to post again by now!

Hope you're have a good one Rick!
Back to say hi again...
Finally got them to release me to venture outside the cabin again. Hey Dan, our room really isn't too bad. We got a handicapped room, which is about twice as big as the normal rooms so it wasn't really bad but having to sit there while everyone else played really sucked. Spent yesteday in Puerto Vallarta and we were very happy to make it back to the ship alive. The drivers down here are nothing short of idiotic and crazy. And the beautiful cobblestone streets above jar your teeth out... Had a good day and dodged a lot of time share salesmen, and still seen quite a few of the sites. We are sitting in Matatlan today. They don't have any access to the citys for wheelchairs so I am spending the day with the wife on the ship. She couldn't get off yesterday either so figured I had better stay with her today. She is up enjoying a spa treatment so I thought I'd run down and shout hi! Been eating real food again and that is a big plus!! And having fun trying some new foods again...escargo, calamare, and lots of other interesting choices. We have someone in our group order at least one of the weird things so we can all try them out. Lots of fun and sometimes interesting. Too expensive to try to post photos here so will post some up when we return.
The weather is pretty nice...a delightful 82 degrees and we are thinking of all of you up in Utah...Later!!!
sure, rub it in ar!

bad part about mex is the street salesmen. they are awful and pushy. the place is warm and pretty though! iwent zip-lining in pv and just played on the beach at maz. cabo has nice beaches so enjoy that! how about leaving the pizza there and bring me back some cabo wabo te-kill-ya?;-)

call me when you get home and settled ar. i need to talk to your wife. i got scheduled today for one of those things your wife has and i need advice! i need to know what she thinks? gotta love the or!

have fun and enjoy! lets hit the panama canal ar! next year?

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