Headed to Antimony, UT


Long Time Member
Will be staying at a friend's house from Saturday the 12th through Friday the 18th. Help!! Anyone please help me about fishing in the area. I will only catch and release!! Paul
LAST EDITED ON Jun-09-10 AT 08:14PM (MST)[p]Otter Creek has become one of my favorite fishing holes in the state. Lots of good rainbows in that lake.
PC ... dude you are right in the middle of heaven! Almost any spinner bait is good on Otter. Take a day & run down to Piaute... not bad either. If you get bored head up on Dutton & see why stinkystomper is a cry baby flatlander. If Dutton ain't rough enough... slip on over to the Boulder.. it's just across the street.

Never...Never... Ever... pass up a burger at the Antimony Merc!

Piute Reservoir,Otter Creek reservior, Sevier River along the hwy,good fly fishing or you can drive down to Pangituch lake a few miles down the Hwy, it a good place to fish,I really like fishing Red Creek Reservoir on the other side of the mountain down by Paragonah. Over by Beaver is Minersville Res.it has some great fishing. Good Luck take some pictures.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Fish the east Seveir right there in Antimony, it's incredible fishing! Watch the regs though, no garden hackle!

Otter creek is awesome. I used to troll there and five of us could catch our limits in about 2 hours in the morning. So about a fish every 2-5 minutes for someone.

LAST EDITED ON Jun-10-10 AT 10:30AM (MST)[p]Don't stay too long or you will find out why the locals call it - "Anti money".

Other than that, what everyone said about the fishing is spot on. I second the opinions on Otter Creek. Lots of fun to be had there.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
No - just a lot of po' folks from there. LOL. Good people though.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
It is - very small, which limits the wealth potential. I am sure most folks are OK there but you won't find any mansions or palacial estates. Just a good down-home mountain community.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

Great action right now. I like casting a fly and bubble on spinning gear, or trolling until you hit a school and then casting a Jake's spin-a-lure....they are getting some good size back in there after killing it off.


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