HD or no HD



hey quick question for you guys

Vortex razor 10x42 500.00
Vortex razor 10x42hd 1200.00

need to know fast!!!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-07-11 AT 06:56PM (MST)[p]The Razor HD is a big step up from the original Razor. Brighter, sharper, better edge, better contrast and better color. Vortex really did do it right with the Razor HD. Think of it as a smaller version of the optics in the Kiabab.
>AT 06:56?PM (MST)

>The Razor HD is a big
>step up from the original
>Razor. Brighter, sharper, better
>edge, better contrast and better
>color. Vortex really did
>do it right with the
>Razor HD. Think of
>it as a smaller version
>of the optics in the

$1,200.00 worth?
LAST EDITED ON Apr-07-11 AT 10:22PM (MST)[p]Easily worth $1,200. The alpha guys won't like this one either. The question might be if it is $700 better than the original Razor. What that is worth to somebody I can't say, but it is a big improvement over the original Razor.
They'll have to come down some in order to sell very many IMO. Tough competition in that class. Used euro??? or Vortex Razor???? I believe most would choose the first option.
>They'll have to come down some
>in order to sell very
>many IMO. Tough competition
>in that class. Used
>euro??? or Vortex Razor???? I
>believe most would choose the
>first option.

Get the new Razor HD side by side to your alpha, give it a good honest look and then try telling us they are overpriced. Vortex looks to have got this thing done right. Their pricing problem is with the Viper, not the Razor.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-09-11 AT 06:41PM (MST)[p]yeah then compare the Zen Ray ED2. If I were to buy any binos sub alpha it would be the ZR ED2 they are an incredible value.
>Get the new Razor HD side
>by side to your alpha,
>give it a good honest
>look and then try telling
>us they are overpriced.
>Vortex looks to have got
>this thing done right.
>Their pricing problem is with
>the Viper, not the Razor.

Not quite sure what you mean, are you saying the new viper HD is over or under priced at 600.00


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