Hazing....what's your story?


Long Time Member
Seems like rookie hazing in the NFL is making up some of the sports news. I'm sure many of us have gone through something like that. Right or wrong, post your story.

In my younger years, they did a few things that today would probably land some folks in jail. There we were, legs and arms tied to a table. As things progressed, we were shown the butt of a live chicken...then blindfolded. Our hand was then made into a fist, with only the index finger sticking out. Guess where the finger went? Nope, not up the chicken's pooper...one of the guys had a sandwich baggie in his hand as he made a fist, with a small enough opening, sorta like the 'OK' sign, into which some mayo was put. They put your finger into the opening, thinking it was a chicken's butt, then made you lick it.

Next up was swallowing a chunk of liver, with a string tied to it. Up comes the liver.

The last one was the worst. You were shown a hunting knife, then blindfolded. Pants and shorts pulled down to expose your private parts, then you were made to recite the creed or a poem, I don't remember, while someone (supposedly holding the knife) had a chunk of ice he ran up and down your scrotum. Feels just like I imagine a knife would feel, complete with dripping water running down which felt like blood.

What's your story?

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
I still face the same constant sort of hazing that I have been facing everyday of my life just for the hue of my skin tone - it's called RACISM.

Doesn't get any worse than that - though that ice on the scrotum story is just about as bad as some of the things I have experienced.

?Men in general judge more by the sense of sight than by the sense of touch, because everyone can see, but only a few can test by feeling. Everyone sees what you seem to be, few know what you really are, and those few do not dare take a stand against the general opinion.? Niccolo Machiavelli
Wow! Brings back memories..... Bonus points for a nice new topic!!!!!

High school in the earl 80s. Small town..... Letterman's Club initiation for any new 'varsity' letterman.

The annual initiation was basically an ALL DAY ritual starting at 5AM on a Saturday. Mainly Freshman/Sophmore guys getting pummeled by upper classmen all day! lol

First we would herd the new guys 2 miles to the town dump to pick-up a tire for them to roll for the day. Then make them run 5 miles to the river for a mud fight (them against them.... The 'club members' just watching and heckling....). Then run 2 miles back to the to the school campus. Then push a dime up a 75 foot sidewalk with your nose while guys are spitting 'chew juice' (you know what I mean....) on you and peeing in your path! Then pick-up garbage around the school campus for an hour or so. Then report to the track/field and run a 1/4 mile in under 90 seconds with a freshly broken egg in your mouth. Spit it out at the end of the lap, and if the yoke is broken you have to do it again (after swallowing the raw egg that you broke....). Gawd, it goes on and on!!!!! Lord have mercy on the buys being initiated if someone happened to find some road-kill on the highway that morning.... ugh!!!!

At the end of the day, after all of the new guys were deemed to be 'in the letterman's club', we all had a steak dinner (after the new guys showered!!!!). The ONLY incentive to go through ANY of this was because you knew that at the end of the year you got to inflict this on someone else!!!! TRUTH! ;)


OK Homie we get it... we all feel sorry for you and the way you have been treated - yes it is sad, unjust and unfair.

Everybody let's all have a big moment of silence for all the suffering that Homie has went through at the hands of his white oppressors!!




OK that's over. Now - let's all cry for him collectively - somebody please call the WAMBULANCE!!! HomerJ has been picked on!

Thanks for being the MM Drama Queen, haven't really had one since BHWAR left. BTW - what size saddle do you ride? Idiot.

OK back on topic.

Did experience a little hazing as a Sophomore on the football team, but actually escaped most of it. The summer of my sophomore year we went to the football camp at SUU, and as I was waiting my turn to do the good old "soap run" (pinch a bar of soap between your cheeks and run down the hall without dropping it) my roommate, who was a Junior and wouldn't have had to do it but because he was a big wuss got scared and slammed the door to our room, smashing my finger in it, pulling the nail out of the nailbed. The Seniors had some sympathy and let me out of the soap run. The next day I ended up coming down with chicken pox and had to go home a couple of days early. So I was pretty much initiated.

Then during three-a-days some of the Seniors adopted us as their "slaves" and we had to carry pads, fetch water and take an extra 12 pack of Pepsi to the team picnic. No big deal and it actually endeared me to my "masters", well that and I KO'd one of them during an Oklahoma drill a week later - they were all great guys and are still some good friends.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
> I still face the same
>constant sort of hazing that
>I have been facing everyday
>of my life just for
>the hue of my skin
>tone - it's called RACISM.
>Doesn't get any worse than that
>- though that ice on
>the scrotum story is just
>about as bad as some
>of the things I have
> ?Men in general judge more
>by the sense of sight
>than by the sense of
>touch, because everyone can see,
>but only a few can
>test by feeling. Everyone sees
>what you seem to be,
>few know what you really
>are, and those few do
>not dare take a stand
>against the general opinion.? Niccolo

Your in the wrong place if your looking for sympathy.

>OK Homie we get it... .>.....
>.back on topic.
>Did experience a little hazing as
>a Sophomore on the football
>team, but actually escaped most
>of it. The summer of
>my sophomore year we went
>to the football camp at

SUU....what years were you there?
Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
The usual football and rugby hazing that everyone has to go through. Got shellbacked in the Navy. Good times, lots of nakedness, puking, and belly buttons. Getting my dolphins tacked on (another word for punched in the chest a hundred times) was fun also.
Homie, you need to go to the gym or get a girlfriend to boost your confidence. Nobody cares if your a mexican, but EVERYONE has noticed your a Nancy.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-06-10 AT 09:59PM (MST)[p]Half a dozen different events.....no question, crossing the Equator for the first time is......enlightening. I can describe at least 6 places on the human body that mayonaise does NOT belong!

HomoJ,,,it would appear that you get ALL the respect you have coming. You seem like a real treat to be around!
>SUU....what years were you there?

Feddoc - I went to the camps the Summers of '88 and '90. I was a walk on there from '93 - '94. In fact, that is where I got the nickname Roy.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Hah, just a few years before my time. I was at USC in 81.
>>SUU....what years were you there?
>Feddoc - I went to the
>camps the Summers of '88
>and '90. I was a
>walk on there from '93
>- '94. In fact, that
>is where I got the
>nickname Roy.
>Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?

I don't mean this to be a downer, for all you " JOCKS "

think of the " hazing " the young men and women, fighting in the middle east, take every day.

Please stop, once in a while, and just think of them, they will know, believe me.

> I still face the same
>constant sort of hazing that
>I have been facing everyday
>of my life just for
>the hue of my skin
>tone - it's called RACISM.
>Doesn't get any worse than that
>- though that ice on
>the scrotum story is just
>about as bad as some
>of the things I have
> ?Men in general judge more
>by the sense of sight
>than by the sense of
>touch, because everyone can see,
>but only a few can
>test by feeling. Everyone sees
>what you seem to be,
>few know what you really
>are, and those few do
>not dare take a stand
>against the general opinion.? Niccolo

HomerJ??.we can all see by your older post that you like playing the racism card. To bad you're a poor miss guided soul. Maybe some medical attention from your local shrink and some medication will help ease your pain???.Get a life!
Hmmm well usually about the only time someone got hazed in the units I served in the Air Force, was when you separated or changed stations. What usually happened is you were tackled, slung into a office chair on wheels and rolled outside. Then everything from mustard, bbq sauce, ketchup, salsa, rotten milk, old moldy food, and freezing water dumped on them. The worst stuff I ever saw get dumped on a guy was ALPO dog food. His wife went to the grocery store and bought 75 dollars worth of stuff to get her hubby. When I saw the dog food, I told her that if she was my wife pregnant or not, she would be on the couch. I got lucky when I changed stations and when I separated, I didnt' get slimed. My unit was in the process of deploying to the desert when I moved in 2006 and my flight chief had a should injury when I separated this summer. He told me if he wasn't injuried he would have gotten me. We have other pranks as well. If someone left their overshirt a few nights in a row at work, we would put it in a trash bag or plastic box with water and freeze it in a block of ice. Seen chili dumped into a guys jacket pocket. I helped tie up an overshirt with wire, duct tape, electrical tape. I wrapped the wire around the buttons about 15 times up and down the shirt, i wired the sleeves in a figure 8. Oh man what fun that was.
"I don't mean this to be a downer, for all you " JOCKS "

No kidding, would you jocks just simmer down a little bit. There is some serious stuff going on in the world. Shameful bunch go to your rooms.

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