Hawaii vacation pics




We got a new puppy while on vacation but need some help with a name for him. Any ideas?

The fishing was great and this guy gave me one hell of a fight, but he was over the slot limit of 12 foot so i had to let him go.

Bessy came out and stayed with us for a few days. We went to the beach, so i could show him how to build a sand castle.

He was very sore after our workout.

Here a pic my wife took of me during one of our shopping trips. Anyways I hope you enjoy the pics. Dont forget to help me with the name.
Nice! Which one of my friends did this??? Tag? Monster? Rack? Or was it an enemy?

The Real Ransom

Must have been a breakin at your shop. The imposter has the same IP address as you do. Should I call the police and let them know someone is messing with your computer?

The Real Ransom
He's said plenty, ransom, what do you have to say for yourself and that outfit?
If your gonna get me do it good, i need a good laugh. i mean really put some thought into it. i know you'll do great
I second that. that last pic looked like it was taken in the streets of downtown San Francisco. Possibly Diane Feinstein in drag.


Ignore this thread by Gilamonster8 AKA RAMSON. He's being a dork. Check out the new turtle post by claiborne.

I would name the dog flipper.

Oh by the way nice catfish!

Looks like you really need to watch where you step on the islands.

Thats not Bessy, it's Rosie O'Donnald.

Looks like you're in dire need of a wax job. You could also use some advice from "What not to wear."

Its fair chase, or its foul!

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