Hawaii Sucks


Long Time Member
First we have a class 3 to 4 hurricane bearing down on us and then tonight at 10:38 HST we have an earthquake. This place sucks. To make matters worse the deer all have spots, even the bucks. Can't find a 4x4 in the bunch, all 3 points. I should clarify that the little pissant island to the far west has some dinky blacktails but really not worth mentioning even though I just did. There is scorpions all about and even the flowers will poke or cut you, the lava rock will wear out a pair of boots in 1 day of hunting. Not to forget the fish, they are known on occasion to eat people, as in Jaws.
In closing I must admit the beach bunnies are not all that bad.
Someone please wish me safety through the hurricane or I'll keep posting these ridiculous posts.

I take it your probably stationed there in the military. I feel for yah, I was there 35 years and sounds like it ain't changed much except for the prices.
Post pictures of your hunt...and if not lucky, post pics of the beach bunnys.
Just bring one of thoese beach bunnies in from the weather and hunker down with her. You won't be in any hurry for the storm to pass....
Not anything as honorable as the military, just a vacation home I built in 2004/05 with my own hands. Just so you don't think I'm a velvet bull shooter, I saved for 30 years to built this place. My wife said no bunnies in the house so I guess thats out. Most times I come here it great, it's just that in august I rather be bow hunting. The 22nd of this mouth I taking my 87 year old dad and my 28 year old son on a week of archery blacktail hunting. My dad stopped hunting after the 2003 season, he now just goes along to spend more time with us. My wife must be nervous about the hurricane as she is cleaning every room many times, makes me nervous just to watch her.
The hurricane has been downgraded so all should be well.

Sorry to hear it's not so good there. But I do want to go there , site see the bunnies , drink some island alcohol and body surf. I'll go some day....

Don't let my weird sense of humor fool you. I do love it here just not during deer, elk & speedgoat season.
The fishing is usually terrific, the surfing too. The foods not bad and the bunnies are plentiful.

Are you located near Kailua? Awesome fishing there! The first time I took my kid out on a charter, we came back with three nice spearfish, a mahi-mahi, a bunch of schoolie yellowfin tuna and lost a striped marlin. That was an awesome day of fishing. My kid was 12 at the time, and he was catching little yellowfin on a 12 lb. steelhead rod he brought along. The Hawaiian's thought it was funny watching him fight those speedsters on a 9 ft. long rod, but it worked!

The spearfish were outstanding eating, just expensive as hell in the restaurant that our guide sold them to before we went there for dinner...
LAST EDITED ON Aug-14-07 AT 05:04PM (MST)[p]Caelknuts. Great job with your son and congrats to him for the fish. A family that goes hunting and fishing together stays together. Anyway yes Kailua Kona. Really at Keauhou except we don't have a post office here so we use Kailua Kona as an address. I'm on the hill just above the Sheridan Keauhou. Normally a great view but NOT TODAY. I really don't like the look of this one bearing down on us.
As for the fishing it is usually fantastic. I tagged 6 marlin myself last year, 3 more by my wife and many others for family and friends. Most people don't relize how good spearfish are for eating. They are one of our favorites. This trip all we caught were tunas. Could not put a marlin to the side of the boat. Had one huge blue between 700 and 1,000 pds swiming around the boat while changing bait.
Still waiting for FEMA to show up as I running low on snacks.
As all can see I do have a weird sense of humour, thats British for humor, and it's all in fun.
By the way if I live through this hurricane I'll post the photos of the tule bulls. To me it's almost aunbelievable to see 27 tule bulls together. To some the scouting trip would have been a failure as I was looking for blacktail bucks and saw narry a one. I have a theory that elk eat blacktails, will keep everyone informed if I find proof.


By the way Ransom is southern for smart a$$.
I am stationed over here in Kaneohe. Looks like you guys are gonna get a little bit of wind into tomarrow. It clouded up really bad today and the wind is picking up. Stay safe and if you can post some pics of some of those fish. Take care...Justin
Justin-Thanks for your service. Without men and women in uniform none of us would live the lives we now do. The storm is slowing as you know and is expected to hit later tonight.
Will post photos as soon as I get back to the main domicile. Thats a east coast word for home.

Don't worry about posting the pictures of the storm. Just the ones of the beach bunnies. Well maybe one or two of the storm but that is it.

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