Hart Mountain



Well I will have 7 Point's this year for Antelope!!!(Archery Oregon State)What will it take to draw Hart Mountain? Good Luck

You need 11 points for a guarantee if resident, 12 in non resident, got some time to go there big fellow
You are 13 years at least from drawing Hart with a bow Slider. Lets just put it this way you ahve at least 11 people with more points then you applying for the tag. The only other hunts you got for archery are WBB and Warner both of those are so so hunts. With Oregon only giving 3% of the tags to Non-residents you can say long long long time before you could gurantte draw a decent tag.

at least 4 years for either warner Rifle hunt 50 years for Hart Mtn Rifle, 6 years for West Beattys rifle, 3 Years for East Beattys, Whitehorse being split you may stand a chance at the number 2 hunt but i doubt it. Now you got all this info ok.

Now here is you the added Kicker There are over 225 Non-resident applicatnts with points more then you and 137 who have the same points as you that totals 362 other players in your game who at anytime could apply for hunts so now those are the wildcards that is why i say take every number I Quoted and double it and you should get a tag within that many years.

You have asked this same question about every species in Oregon so far When you gonna ask for the draw odds on the sheep and Mtn Goats.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-12-06 AT 08:41AM (MST)[p]Hey Slider, you should pick up a copy of %Tags put out by a company in Salem. It gives all the statistics for the preferance point system by unit. Its a good tool. Oh, by the way, I'm a resident and I have 10 points going into this years draw.
High Desert is really doing you a favor by providing all this info about SE Oregon. He is right on about the deer populations being way down. Believe me, I hunted the Steens last year and it is BAD.
You would get a better idea of where you are in the drawing by going to the ODFW website and looking at the individual hunt. It will tell you how many people put in for the hunt and how many preference points each person has. You can see how many people are in front of you also. The only thing you can't figure in is all the people that buy preference points because there are a lot of them. Here is the link to that page


then look at the 2005 point summary and choose elk, bear, antelope, deer, etc. It will give you better information than the tag guide and save you 13 bucks.
Why waste your time waiting the Hart Mountain area? There are plenty of other great areas in Eastern Oregon that hold great bucks.

I hunted Murderers Creek unit 3yrs ago with two relatives and all of us got our buck within 3 days.

The Ochoco unit has a lot of animals also. I watched a 17" buck last year during archery elk/deer season within 25yrd of me.


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