Harry Potter Freaks???


LAST EDITED ON Jul-16-09 AT 01:04PM (MST)[p]Ok - I'll admit that we own all the movies so far and I have enjoyed them - the kids love them. However I haven't read any of the books in their entirety (parts here and there) but my kid has and I know of people (SOME ON MM!!) who are HARRY POTTER FREAKS!!

You know - the kind that will go out at midnight and camp out just to be in line to buy the next book and then read it before 9AM the next morning. Or the kind that would ditch her kids in a shady motel in Nephi and go watch the movie all by herself. Or the kind that would dress up for the movie in a cape and period style clothing.

So - I am giving you one chance, identify yourselves now or I will call you out!

I know who you are TripleK and AndymanSavage!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Hey! i'm in!! Muggle born myself, have read all the books, the last one, Deathly Hollows, i even bought-ordered hardback for our local library cause they didn't have it, then checked it out to read. As far as entertainment and good reading, i put them right up there with those of the Tolkien's Hobbit and King's Gunslinger & Dark Tower series, even some of R. Heinleins old stuff, but realize that literary critics may not have much good to say about them.

Maybe not the best stuff, most enlightening or educational, but i'm a simple guy that loves to read, finds great enjoyment in good science fiction, and the "Potter" series has become one of my personal favorites. The movies? Never as good as the books, IMO.

Oopsey is right... I can just imagine some people on here in CAPES with little wands casting spells... :D }>


It's all about the good times...
"I can just imagine some people on here in CAPES with little wands casting spells..." LMAO I like the movies yes we have them all also, but Nothing is worth standing in line for hours, waiting to see the same thing you can see if you wait a week.
Of course, come to think of it... If it was a Deer or Elk cape it wouldn't be so bad...


It's all about the good times...
I am not a freak, Roy! (and it took me a whole weekend and only one night of staying up all night to read the final HP book and I only almost let my kid drown in the kiddie pool once while getting distracted by it poolside....)

Anyway...I didn't ditch the kids in the hotel after all. Nephi doesn't have a freakin' movie theater. We waited til' tonight and it was GOOD. Not the best of the movies so far, but still quite good. This one veered from the book more so than the others. There are so many unanswered questions. The final movie will be a challenge, IMO, to wrap up all the loose ends w/out being 4 hours long. I can't wait for it tho. I'll be there in line for the midnight showing for sure...wand at the ready. ;-)

Yeah I really rocked the Zoe Deschanel look didn't I??

Dressing up for a costume part is one thing - but a 45 yr old man dressing up as Harry Potter to go to a movie or to the bookstore to hang out with all the 11 yr olds and their mom's? That's freaky!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I must confess. I have never seen any of the movies or read the books. I prefer the Smurfs. And you ought to see me dressed as one.
Never read or watched any Harry potter stuff. I do have a Harry potter journal from the mish that I had all the missionary's sign when being transfered or going home.
I have all the Harry Potter books, all the movies and read or watch them as soon as they are available.

I also have the Lord of the Rings stuff, every Dr Zuess book available, along with the movies.

"How the Grinch Stole Christmas" is one of my favorite movies ever.......the Grinch has a GREAT dog!

The funny thing is, what I don't have is kids........
Y'all are Nerds....lol


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Have not seen any of the movies or read any of the books. I have seen a couple lord of the rings movies and they were OK. Haven't seen all the star wars movies either.

you make one cape joke during the wrong week.........

Roy, here is the site where I found the cape thing and copied it, not knowing what people would assume.......


Andyman, that's one of my favorite sites......gross.:).

I heard that movie has grossed over $400,000,000 so far. And here I thought the economy was bad.


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