Hardscrabble Moose



I guess since there is a pending $408 on my credit card it appears that my wife drew a Hardscrabble Moose tag. She is pretty excited but not quite as excited as I am. But then again it makes me more nervous that she drew than if I had drawn a tag. Puts a lot of pressure on me to find her one.
Congrats to the Mrs. 300.
I am sure you will be able to find her a bullwinkle to go with her beautiful Wasatch elk. You are definitely going to run out of wall space for all those trophies of hers! LOL.
I thought you built those high ceiling walls for you? But all your stuff is in the garage or basement! ha.
Good luck! hunted that tag a few years ago. uncle Fred has shot it out. He will try to give you the worst dates and wont let you hunt the whole place. He will try to keep you out of the top which is the best. Its better to come in from the top and glass down. Dont let him wreck your hunt too!
Good luck Mr & Mrs 300.

I know how you're feeling about the pressure. Having the tag has always presented less pressure than when helping a family member with a great tag.

I hope you don't come away with the same feelings that flatdead has about the unit.

flatdead speaks the truth! We had the same experience with Fred Johns on another property. Make sure you now the rules and boundaries on your own, don't take his word for it. Be very aware that your wife's once in a life time hunt is in the hands of a crooked guy.
Uncle fred tried to keep us down low on the farr north end. We spent 3 days and saw 1 cow. I ran into the family that owned the lower ground and they thought it was funny I was looking for moose down there. They told me about a trail that got us on top. After we got up there we saw 2 bulls. Fred found out from his guides we were up there and that night came to our camp and told us we messed up his hunt and we had to leave. We ended up finding a bull on the last day Of 5 and got it done. PM me and I can give you ALOT more info on where to look. It can be a good tag if you know where to look. I dont feel the same about other CWMU units that I have hunted most operators are good to work with. Not This one.
I've got to agree with elkun on this one.

This Fred guy should be run out of the CWMU business if he pulls stuff like that. I've never had the hankerin' to hunt a cwmu but I hear some are great while others are not.

Ultramag, You'd better talk to the guy and get a few things straight. Again, good luck!

I had a talk with dwr. There responce was they dont have to give you rights to the whole piece if they dont want to. They only have to let you in for 5 days, and give you the same as there paying clients. We also found that on cwmu cow elk hunts. They only have to give you 2 days and can limmit access. It tought me to talk with the operator BEFORE we put in and most are good to work with. But it is still private land and they will always give the paying guy the best. But like I said befor you can glass this place from public land (some of it). From the Bountiful side.
I hunted Elk on Hardscabble a few years back. And found Fred to be a deceving JERK! He told us his out of state hunter's wasn't doing very well not seeing much. Well I ran into I nice guy coming out of his Gate that said his hunt was going great With lots of Elk taken. He told me where the elk were and it was not where Fred said they was. I did get a nice Bull and when Fred found out it was not where he said they were he was not happy. Good luck with this Guy!
Wow. Not exactly what I was hoping to hear!! Is there anyone on here who has hunted there and had a good experience? If so what was the secret? Thanks
Same ol song and dance ...

This chit has been going on there for at least
15 years I know of ...

I've yet to hear of a public tag holder with a good report ..

Just had my first conversation with Fred John. Very interesting to say the least!
I'll let Ultra respond, but as always with Ultra, he has gotten his ducks in a row and it should work out for him and Mrs. Ultra.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-17-12 AT 12:55PM (MST)[p]Well when I called him to see when we would be scheduled he gave me a week that would not work very well because of my moose hunt in Sask. I had already talked with the director of the CWMU program with the DWR and he told me the dates that were guaranteed for us to hunt which would work much better. So then I told our friend that the dates he had given were not the guaranteed dates and the way it works is that unless both parties agree they have to give you those dates. He tried to argue and said well if you would have called before you put in I would have told you that the dates were not correct. Mind you I believe that they are who works the dates out with F&G but not sure on that one. I reminded him that the guraranteed dates are listed in the proclamation as well as with the director as the 13th of October through the 17th. So he then said well I guess that is your week then. He was not very excited about that at all. Now I will have to see how he is with the rest of the issues and go from there. When I talked with F&G he said that there is only one very small area where we cannot hunt, other than that he cannot tell us we can't hunt an area. Time will tell. Hopefully he will ge good to work with from here on out and things will go well for my wife's once in a lifetime hunt!!
Good Luck to the Mrs I hope she gets a Dandy. I did notice there was a lot of water everywhere and willows in the bottom of the canyon I Hunted. This was 6 years ago. Can't wait hear your success story this Fall. Good luck again.
Sounds like you have lined up your ducks Ultra! I know I wouldn't want to pick a fight with you! lol
Hopefully old Fred has met his match and you have a great hunt. If I can be of help, let me know! Seriously!
I vividly recall you did a lion's share of packing, getting my Wyoming moose out. I am certainly willing to return the favor!
Good luck to you and the little lady!
Thanks to all for the well wishes. Now that I kind of won the battle with Fred I am actually contemplating turing the tag back. I talked with a MM subscriber who hunted there previously and after that talk and his input we are thinking serious of turing it back. When you wait as many years as she has and are told from a previous hunter to plan on about a 15% chance of killing then it makes one step back and rethink the situation. Also after the discussion with Fred and how he was when I told him about when we would be hunting and his response etc I am still not sure there would not be a battle. I am to old to go to jail now for what might take place. Not that I have any kind of temper!! Those who know me may chuckle at that one. Anyway still thinking along those lines. I will call and talk with F&G and see what happens. Will update following that call. Again thanks for the well wishes. I guess she is just trying to be one in Utah who has been drawn the most for the same once in a lifetime tag. If we turn it back in this will be the second time. The first was a very different circumstance and they refunded the money as well as the points. Not thinking we will get any money back this time though.
I hope things work out for you..I'd be mighty upset if someone ruined my once in a lifetime chance.
Well it is official. We turned the tag back and I feel for the one that gets it. Hopefully they will beat the odds and do well. I also got a form to file a formal complaint as to Fred and his attitude. The only draw back is that if you turn the tag back 30 days prior to the opening of the season they refund your money and we are inside that now so I guess we just donated to the Utah habitat fund. Oh well I think it was better to cut and run. Besides since I am going to Saskatchewan huntin moose I didn't want there to be a chance she would shoot a bigger bull this year than me. Now no matter what I get and I hope I get one it will be bigger than hers for once!!
Probably a good move Ultra, besides you can't eat two moose in one year. LOL.
Your wife does have a dandy elk...yuck yuck, rub-in, rub-in...but not without you guiding her! Anyway, I am glad you got it resolved.
It sounds like you made the right move for her.
Good luck on your moose hunt in Canada!
Pays to do your home work early. Good move and talk to you soon!!! The wife will draw a good unit one of these years and we'll find her a good one without the BS.
Zeke, where are the pictures and story. I have been waiting for a phone call!!
You know Zeke! He doesn't call unless he needs to borrow something. LOL
I had to invite myself to a private picture showing, but dang, they got some nice animals. Hopefully he will eventually break down and post some pics! In the mean time...which could be a long time...I would suggest you hunt him down.
Hey littlebig you must have told him he was on my hit list. He called today and we talked about the hunt. Now just waiting for the showing!!!
Hay ultra, Glad you took my advice and turned it in. Fred is not fun to work with. You made the right choice. Good luck in canada.
Hey Flathead, thanks for all the help and information. It definately helped me in my decision. I got a form to fill out an official complaint to talk about his attitude etc. Nothing much more I can do formally since I never even met him. I think everyone that has had a bad experience with this unit needs to fill one out so that something can be done to get this back into a good area and helpful ranch manager. Again thanks for the input.
this is not the 1st property that he has had..he has abused the system before and is still doing it, where is the benifit to the public???....

How to start an argument online:
1. Express an opinion
2. Wait
I am the alternate hunter that took this hunt when they offered it to me during the first weekend in September. At first I thought it was too good to be true and that is why I got on here and it was. After reading all of this I had to make a difficult decision. I spoke with ultra and flatdead and came to a conclusion to go ahead and accept the tag. I really appreciate the openess from these two guys they are steller guys and I hope them the best of luck in the future. Here is the success that I had on the second morning of my hunt.

Nice bull. After reading this post and hearing all the bad things about the operator of this unit, I would say you did good. Congrats.
Very nice Utah bull!
You made the most of the tag with a fine trophy.

BTW, maybe Ultra should have kept the tag for his wife after seeing you trophy bull! Who knows?
Congratulations on your success. I hope things went well with Fred! Give me a call and update me.
That is a heck of a Utah bull! One of the better ones I have seen this year. Congratulations for taking the risk! It obviously paid off with a very nice trophy!
Great bull!! Sorry I wasent there work sucks. You took a big gamble and it payed off huge. Im glad Fred was good to work with and maybe in the future this will help other hunters with that tag. Next time Im your way I will get in touch. Did youhear how the other hunter did?
Great bull!!! Glad your gamble payed off. Sorry I couldnt make it up work sucks. Hope Fred learned something from this and will be better in the future for other tag holders. ow did the second tag do? Ultra mag How was your Canada hunt?
Hey Flatdead, I had a good hunt but did not shoot a bull. I passed on three small ones and never did see the one I wanted. They were not responding to calling very well for some reason. Heard a lot of wolves and wished I had seen one of them. I am going back up November 10 to hunt whitetail and I will still have my moose tag and hopefully I will see one then. Good luck on your hunts.
Hey Guys sorry for the late reply. I have to give it to Fred on this one. He was very personable to me and my family as well as the other state hunters that were there at the same time. I can however see where he can potentially get the way he has been described by everyone on here. To much greed can bring out the worst in people for sure and I feel that is what tends to get in the way. When we got there the day before the hunt he gathered all the hunters, 2 moose and 2 elk, and gave us the nickel tour and showed us all where they had been seeing the animals and where the boundaries were. As far as i know there was only 1 elk hunter that had not harvested his elk yet but the other one tagged out first morning at daylight.

This was a test of my nerves and anxiety almost killed me. After flatdead and I had spoke quite a bit about the Hardscrabble situation I made my mind up to go on and accept this hunt.

Ultramag, you are the ones I really need to thank since you were the ones that gave me this chance basically. I still feel that you guys made the right decision for your wife. I know that your wife would rather have a more care free hunt. That is the only thing that may have dampened this hunt a little bit, was the whole situation and the CWMU operator requirements. With her points that she has I would recommend a public land hunt and she should get one next year. I don't have your number so if you get time call me and I would like to talk more.

The other Moose hunter tagged out the same day I did and about an hour and a half later then I did. The other hunter and myself seen a lot of Moose that day. I seen 7 including the bull I harvested and the other hunter seen 2. All together we seen 2 cows, 2 calves, and 5 bulls. All the additional Moose we saw didn't appear until we started our shooting and after we had harvested ours. I took the first bull I seen and so did the other hunter.

Maybe Fred read this post and will change the way he was. Daniel congats again way to take a chance. Stay in touch

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