Hard to believe/unexplainable???



Over the years I've seen a few pretty weird things while enjoying the great outdoors. I just thought I'd share a few over the next couple days and see what other strange things all you other crazies out there might have experienced. Before you call me certified "nuts" I did have other witnesses to several of these events.
#1 Years ago when I was in my early twenties, I was heading to pick up a friend to go elk hunting. It was about 4 am., very dark, no moon, and clear skies. The stars were shining brightly. I look to the southeast. Above what is called Cove Mountain,(east end of Monroe Mountain) there was what I can only describe as a hole in the night sky. It covered a fairly large area, like a big old cumulus cloud. It was oval in shape, the edges faded quickly into the darkness of the star lit sky. Within this oval it was absolutely daytime sky blue. Beneath it, the mountain was lit up like daylight for probably 10 square miles. It was visible until we couldn't see that direction anymore due to hills/ridges in the way. The guy that went with me worked for the BLM, not that that has anything to do with anything, other than to say he was responsible. I had a friend hunting turkey down Cedar City way and he saw it from a different angle. I never could find out what it was.
better call glenn beck......prolly hebrews

LAST EDITED ON Aug-21-10 AT 09:34AM (MST)[p]#2 I was heading home from hunting elk, about 930 pm. I was just coming to the edge of Randaulf Utah, heading from north to south. A flash of light caught my eye off to the right, which was about in line of where Ogden Utah would be. I quickly pulled down into the barrow pit and grabbed my binoculars. I could see what looked like one of those round spinners we used to light on the 4th of July. They would spin up into the air and sparks would fly out in a cone shape as they got higher into the air. Only this one was large and looked to be over the foothills and mountains between me and Ogden. As I watched it get higher, suddenly from left to right a missile came at an amazing speed and went right through this spinner/rocket thing. When it hit it lit up the sky and I could see clouds of smoke billowing around where the impact had been. This wasn't a small area. It pretty much filled my binoculars. It gradually faded into darkness again. When I got home I decided to call one of the major news TV channels in Salt Lake.(Chan. 2 or 5 don't remember) A lady answered and I asked if anything strange had occurred in the night sky above Ogden around 9:30. She asked, "What do you mean?" I explained to her what I had seen and then there was a long pause like she thought she was talking to a nut case. She finally told me to hold on and let her check. After quite a wait she came back and told me what I must have seen is called an atmospheric bounce. The military had performed a missile intercept test out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. They had sent one rocket up and then part way around the world off of some island had launched an intercept missile. What I saw looked like it was right in front of me. Again, I did have several other witnesses.
Coming back from a long day in the woods chasing elk, looked up and we saw what looked like tailights at our camp. Turned out to be embers; looked like maybe someone has used our crapper (I built a *nice* covered crapper) and tossed a cigarette on the ground.

Found a guys wallet once; had $600 cash in it and his Michigan DL. Saw him later in the day; he got happy real quick.

Here are some wierd stories: http://www.ifish.net/board/showthread.php?t=148441

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Coming out of a bar in Anaconda MT at 2:00am, I once saw a girl, cold stone sober, walking down the street......Never happened again..... Very strange..... Terry
One time up on the high desert in the Warner range of Cali. I came across a natural hot spring with, never mind, it still gives me the chiills.
Back in the early 70s when I was doing lots of back packing in the wilderness, we left the trail head right at daylight. As we gained elevation, we ran into snow. The snow covered up the trail making the hike more difficult. Since the trail was all but gone we decided to leave it and just head straight up and over the mountain. Stll difficult, but a lot shorter route to the lake we had picked out. After we crossed the top and were dropping down there was a snow covered clearing. Going through the middle of this clearing was a perfect set of fresh "bigfoot" tracks! At first we just laughed, but the more we looked the more we couldn't figure out what the heck made them. They were about 5' apart in a straight line through the clearing. Who would be playing a hoax out in the middle of no where? When we got to the lake there was no evidence that anyone had been there recently, as it was opening day of trout season. It sounds funny I know, but that's exactly what happened.

One time a guy I/We know here on MM told me He got 97,000 miles out of a set of tires!

Then He told me He rotated them every 300 miles!
That's 323 times He rotated them,just wondering how many sets of Lug nuts & Lug studs he went through to achieve this accomplishment?

I can get away with this until He gets back in town!}>}>}>

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
#3 Okay, this one is not from outer space or anything, but it is probably the hardest one to believe and I don't have any witnesses. I was walking along through a patch of junipers, hunting for sheds, when I either heard something or saw something above me. About 8 feet up in this juniper, a cottontail rabbit came running down through the limbs, down the trunk, and skittered off down the trail. Don't know??? I was only about 4 feet from the bottom of the tree when this happened. Hadn't eaten any bad mushrooms or bumped my head or anything. Maybe he had figured out a way to avoid the yoties.
You didn't tell them the whole truth justr!
Now tell em it wasn't in the Basin!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
This one time , I was talking with a girl, still in High scool, and she said "this one time, in band camp..........."
craziest thing I have seen in the woods is when a friend and I were scouting for blacktails and we rode quads up to a lookout that had an enclosed base with a 2 foot wide doorway without a door on it and out of the doorway from inside the enclosure ran two big bucks, one was near 20 inches wide.

They had been bedded in there to get out of the July sun.

Hey buttshot I think my cousin was at that same band camp!

This is no bullsh#!,

A few years ago while archery hunting for elk in New Mexico, I spent one evening watching a valley. I had my bow with me but was not too concerned with using it, for this was more of a recon mission than anything.

Well, i was sort of lying there on the hill looking into the valley and the sun was setting. I pulled the brim of my cap low to keep the sun out of my eyes while I stared into the valley.

I started to hear a lil chipmunk or something bouncin around behind me. I wasn't any bit concerned with this until the lil bugger sounded like he was about to jump on my head.

It was at this point I sat up and turned around only to look square into the eyes of a coyote.

We both jumped a good 4' into the air.

It was quite an interesting ordeal. He ran off and i changed my britches (not really but...) I figure he was just coming up to see if I was food yet.

It's moments like these that keep me returning to the woods year after year, whether I'm successful with a kill or not.
When I was about 20, I had about 20 skin tabs/tags on my right forearm. They are like moles but the same color as my skin. No big deal but I had insurance so I thought I'd get them removed. I had had them for at least 5 years and just never thought anything of it. Anywaym, I make an appointment with my doctor to have them removed. The morning of my appointment I wake up to see that all of the skin tabs/tags are GONE!! No more....freaking disappeared. I had had these things for years and all of a sudden they're gone? On the day of my appointment to have them removed? Seriously, what do you make of that? My wife still thinks I dreamt the whole thing but it is the truth!

T&A Inspector

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