Hard Times for Larry Craig


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Dec-03-07 AT 09:06PM (MST)[p]Just can't seem to put enough locks on the closet door if you are Sen. Larry Craig. When I speak with Idahoooans they have suspected the guys "gayness" for years.

Now, he hasn't broken the law, he wouldn't be the first politician to hide in the closet, nor would he be the first to not practice what he preaches in public.

So let's give him the benefit of the doubt that he was a target of a democratic hit job. Unfortunately, now there are 5 more allegations of "gayness".

Should Larry's sexual escapades dictate serving his full term? Or should it be simply based on a political performance and the support of his constituents?

The only reason I see this a possible forced resignation is simply the fact that his constituents did not know that Larry engages in such activities, if they did, they would not have voted for him. It also makes me wonder what extremes Larry would go to keep his escapades a secret should they true.

The audio at the Idahostatesman.com is hilarious. Anyways, I know there is only a handful of Repubs on here, what do you think of this traitor in the ranks?
He's got beautiful eyes. He's a dreamboat. :)

Just think of the money this country has waisted with these two-faced scandals. It wouldn't be so funny had he not tried to sink Clinton. Oh the irony!!!
I am one republican that says he goes out the door. It is one thing to be gay, but to hide it and lie about it leaves him open for being blackmailed. He should be forced out as clinton should have been forced out for lying under oath.
What happen to that congressman from LA. Is he still in being protected by Perosi and her fellow democrats. He should have been out the door a long time ago or on leave until his trial is finished.

Is Larry top or bottom, pitcher or catcher, jack or jill?
actually I think I heard he's a swollower!

I have a question for you since you brought up dirty congressmen. which is worse, a GOP congressman that hides the fact he is gay. Or a DEM. congressman that is caught in a sting taking a outright bribe and the 80,000 dollars found in his deep freezer that he received as bribe money?
Which one has more protential to harm his constituents that put him office? I have not heard any of the democrats yelling for his removal as some of the GOP has for removing larry Craig. That dirty bribe taking democrat was also one of the democrats that pointed the finger at Bush and FEMA for their poor performance on Katrina that happen in his home state. I wonder how much he made off that disaster that went into his pocket while his constituents suffered the aftermath of the hurricane.
If Craig was a black man or a woman of any color...the press wouldn't touch this hot potatoe! He should walk away and move to the left coast near San Franfreako. His wife should divorce his arse if allegations are true.
What RELH said.
Craig needs to resign he is a filthy scum bag.

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
REHL they wont you know that. They want he's head or he can switch over to being a Dem. OLe Duke goes off to be bubba's girlfriend and i'm glad, this guy needs to be duke's girlfriend.

Big contrast between Libs and Neocons. Libs would be making excuse after excuse, down playing it as "everyone does it". It was on his own time, between consenting adults, the other guy was a willing whatever, yada, yada, yada. Last but not least is their all time favorite "your nothing but a homophobe".
Larry Craig can go to He!!. Dems are welcome to him.

RELh, Are you referring to (R.) David Dwyer of Los Angeles? He's a Republican so I don't think Nancy Pelosi is trying to defend him about his gayness. As for (D) Congressman William Jefferson of Louisiana is concerned his actions were illegal, and he will be processed through the court system. Unless you belong to some obscure group that believes Katrina was handled brilliantly, it would appear Cong. Jeffersons opinions mirror the majority in our country.

Overton, oddly enough Libs and Neocons share many of the same traits. It only took hours for the GOP spin machine to start throwing around "Democractic Hit Job", "Set-up", and "Stupidity". The latter of the 3 comes from Larry Craig himself, a lawyer, trying to claim he was railroaded and coerced to plea. Craig pleaded by mail months after the event occurred. I was shocked when Arlen Spector decided to stand-by Craig, instead of insisting he resign.

However, before this airport story broke Craig's support and approval levels were high regardless of past gayness accusations. He has consistantly voted for conservative issues and has supported the Bush Administration. So outside of being allegedly gay, if you don't like gays, democrats, or a woman's right to choose...Larry is your guy.

According to the Idaho Statesman one of those alleging a sexual encounter is oddly enough the same male prostitute that performed services for the good Rev. Haggert. Larry and Ted share many things like political points of view, political support, and apparently a rear parking space.

If you are conservative politico you don't want Craig to leave office. Since he hasn't broken any laws nobody in the GOP can force him to do anything without looking homophobic. So comparing Larry to William Jefferson is not a viable comparison, these situation are different. One could say they are as different as black and white.

RELh, your responses are like tells in poker...answer, deflect, offense, defense. I am no defender of the Dems, I am only pointing out this oddity of Larry Craig situation and what course, if any, the GOP and it's party members will take on this matter. No reason to try and deflect this matter with any other matter, this particular situation is quite unique. Again, Larry has been a loyal team player in a house that is rather evenly divided.
There was no deflection, I made it quite plain that Craig needs to go out the door for lying about it after being caught. As for you pointing out the oddity of it as being your reason to post the message, that is pure B.S. on your part. Being found out that a congressman is gay is not a oddity in these days. Has happen before and will happen again. He covered it up like clinton covered it up by not committing a "SEX ACT" with Monica.
If you really wish to bring forth information concerning malfeasance of office, common sense would dictate that you start at the top with the worse offence. That would put William Jefferson at the top of the heap and Craig further down the list.
Where was the outrage from fellow democrats on Jefferson's apparent outright criminal acts. Perlosi could only mentioned that she should remove him from a committee that oversaw budget items. Why do you fail to bring up items like this that effects the democrats. Are you that biased and blind.
As for you not being a defender of the Dems. Your posts dictate otherwise.

RELh, I'll let you dig through the archives I had my .02 worth when the capitol police raided Jefferson's office. The fact that this post is about Senator Craig and you have now switched gears to Congressman Jefferson is case in point of deflection.

If you want to talk about old news like Jefferson, please feel free to post something about it without hijacking this one.

The unique quality of the Craig case is that there is no factual evidence that Craig has lied. A one time incident at an airport (no sex involved) and several recent allegations is all there is. No malfeasance in office only a minor infraction for lude and/or lucivious behavior.

So what is the position of a GOP party member? You say, he lied, but there is no proof that he lied. RELh, Craig has been a good little Bushie and has a very strong conservative voting record. Given the balance in the senate, do you really want to let him go over mere allegations?

I could understand if you said, "Hey the guy plead guilty to lude behavior which I consider unbecoming for a public servant in such a high office". I would agree, unfortunately there is no written requirement that would disqualify Craig from office for such an offense unlike the military.

The easy way out was to have him resign and fade away. Apparently that isn't happening and now the skeletons are climbing out of the closet and into the news headlines tarnishing the hetero virtues of the GOP and its members.

That's why this case is so unique!
I have to give Craig some credit, the moral warriors tried to throw him over the railing to protect their image but he's hanging on like a cat.

I find his fight to remain in the group of hypocrites who hate people like himself amusing. it's all good.
I think Craig needs to hit the road. I see FTW's point about him continually voting conservatively being an ASSet for the Republicans, which they definitely need all the help they can get. But he tarnished his image and reputation by these acts. I do not find this scenario unique except for the fact that he is not going out without a fight. Oh, and dems are 97% of the time wrong. I found this stat and many more on hdude.com
That means they're right 3% of the time. now there's a stat Bush would love to claim as his own.
Hdude - Your post about making up the percentages is still killing me.......LMAO!!!

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