The Easter Bunny made it to Kali!

I think the Utard Bunny carries chains?

Happy Easter B_BOP!!!!


great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Don't you know there are kids visiting this site?
I know for a fact that picture is PhotoShopped,there ain't no snow in the pic,lol!
If that's little Jef's Bunny,I swear to GAWD CUPSY is paying extra money in KALI right now for some pet store to open their doors on EASTER SUNDAY!
Is it just me or has this winter been a very long one? I'm ready for summer! Neola got abot 4 inches this morning.


D13er That is a pretty good one,
Two of my nephews did one like that about 20 years ago they killed a rabbit and tied a ribbon around it neck and told all the little ones they had killed the easter Bunny,They didn't get to eat at the family gathering that day. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
"Sunny and nice here in Cal, Happy Easter"

Huh? Not now in this part of Ca. It's dumping outside right now, we've had 4-5" stick in the last hr or so!!

It was reported that the Easter bunny became lost in a blizzard White-Out. He is reportedly ok, waiting out the storm in a snow cave. :)

What snow? I have got to come out of my hole to see this. I thought the Easter Bunnie was a girl. She didn't come to my hole.


LAST EDITED ON Apr-05-10 AT 10:05AM (MST)[p]LMFAO NV!!! I hope you enjoy your Private Message you are about to get from Founder(and its not to ask where you got that picture):) I am still laughing!!!! Thank you sir!!
Too Funny NVB.
I learn so much from this site yet none of it relates to Hunting. LMAO.
Judging by the website I just visited at the bottom of the picture you posted NV, I have very good suspicions that is not a male Easter bunny in that costume. I am assuming Feleno it may not be a real carrot either! Butt hey whos judging here, right? :)
Last Fall in Cortez Colorado I seen PUNK giving a LEGO the same kind of treetment Halloween night!}>}>}>
Excellent!!!! Kids and I are heading to SLC (from Phoenix...) for some spring skiing this week! Spring break from school, so I figured we'd head-up and visit some old favorite slopes. Should be good!!! ;-)



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