Happy Nukes



Who is the Happiest Nuker. It seems some of the mods have been playing with their nuke button a lot lately. Who is the Happiest Nuker and why?

I guess my question would be, how has the "nuke" issue been allowed to touch such a nerve with some of you guys?

Is this site such a huge part of your life that you would actually waste time whinning about such a little thing?

I think you need to push yourself away from the computer, dress in something besides your underwear and leave the house more often.
Sometimes I just get bored and think, "hmmm, I'm going to piss someone off today" ....NUKE....NUKE....NUKE....NUKE....

I guess it worked on you HK. HA HA HA Bummer for you, funny for me. LOL

Really though, mods and I delete posts/threads when we feel they need to be deleted. I only replied to this one (and didn't delete it) because you seem so upset about having your posts deleted. You'll be OK. In the future, just email me and ask, please don't keep posting the whiny posts complaining about the way this site is ran, asking this and that. I own it, and regardless if you like the way I run it or not, in the end I'm going to do what I want. You have a choice to deal with it or not.
The mods help me. If they delete something, then I trust it needed to be deleted. If you, or anyone, has a real concern with the way I run this site, a moderator, or me, then send me an email or call me.

Thank you,

Brian Latturner
Happy nukes have happy feet. :)


>Sometimes I just get bored and
>think, "hmmm, I'm going to
>piss someone off today" ....NUKE....NUKE....NUKE....NUKE....
>I guess it worked on you
>HK. HA HA HA Bummer
>for you, funny for me.

>Really though, mods and I delete
>posts/threads when we feel they
>need to be deleted. I
>only replied to this one
>(and didn't delete it) because
>you seem so upset about
>having your posts deleted. You'll
>be OK. In the future,
>just email me and ask,
>please don't keep posting the
>whiny posts complaining about the
>way this site is ran,
>asking this and that. I
>own it, and regardless if
>you like the way I
>run it or not, in
>the end I'm going to
>do what I want. You
>have a choice to deal
>with it or not.
>The mods help me. If they
>delete something, then I trust
>it needed to be deleted.
>If you, or anyone, has
>a real concern with the
>way I run this site,
>a moderator, or me, then
>send me an email or
>call me.
>Thank you,
>Brian Latturner

Please delete my user name and information from your site. I started surfing through here and enjoyed the hunting pictures and stories. Then YOUR site started to become harder and harder to enjoy. Way too many 4 foot tall no-it-alls who tore people down all the time. I didnt like how you handled Bess and wasnt satisfied with your answer on him in a post i started. Got basically the same stuff you said above...... It's MY SITE-DEAL WITH IT! Well i think you are wrong about that Brian. All these guys come here freely to check out what you offer. That makes us your customers! We help you bring in advertising dollars and hit numbers show lots of us stop by here. And you basically just said screw you if you don't agree with the GOD of this silly little site! Throw in the fact that many of your posters absolutely HATE ranching and private property rights and you made it real easy for me to stop wasting time here. I'll find photo's and hunting stories on countless other sites that don't spend all their time pimping Mossback, SFW and stomping on agriculture. I'm sure this is way too whiny for you but you'll just have to deal with it! You said i had a choice and I just made mine! When you made your little speech i found it pretty ironic that you ended it with "Thank you"! What you really meant was F-You. Good luck with YOUR site!

LAST EDITED ON Feb-22-10 AT 02:50AM (MST)[p]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v410/NVBighorn/Clapping.gif



Hey Beefcakes,
Bout time we heard from you.
You still alive & well I take it?
For Gawds sake Chime in at least twice a year,I was starting to get worried about you.
>AT 02:50?AM (MST)






I believe picture number 4 violates the mm dress code. I think nv needs nuked! ROFL!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-23-10 AT 03:07PM (MST)[p]nickoless, you don't know me, so don't act like you do. First of all I don't wear underwear and keep your mind out of my pants.

Brian, I just find it interesting why some get nuked and some don't. I've posted some that deserve nuking and I expected them to get nuked. Other times I see guys get nuked (including myself) for voicing opinions and stating facts and they still get nuked..nothing rude or crude. And no nickoless I'm not whinning, so keep your manly comments to yourself or you'll get nuked ya sissy. Again that is my opinion of nickoless.

I get it that you are King and we're are playing on your turf and we shall bow to your nuke sword, but the more I play, the more I question some of King's beheadings.

I still enjoy the site, so I won't bid you a fair adieu. Every King needs to take note of his humble servants every now and then or you might wake up with castle in flames some day. Again that is my opinion of MM.

Well i can't speak for all mods, but i can't catch 'em all or read every single post on a thread....that could explain how some get missed.
Personally, i have a good sense of humor, but even if i like a post or thread, i have to nuke it if i feel it's "out of line" in any way.
It seems a little unfair to bad mouth Founder for a site that YOU voluntarily signed up to. The rules are his rules, if you can't live with them, join another site, plain and simple.
Regardless of your personal beefs or negative views of this site, it's hands down the best hunting site ever created, bar none, and there's posts and threads that should get nuked that we let slide.
So sit back, read, post and have fun. Or....farewell :)

+1 slam.

I think there should be a forum called the salon so all you girls can spread rumors, whine, and trash whoever you feel while you wait for your hair to dry.


Buckchaser, you have some lipstick on your teeth. I can see your panty lines from here.

Rub some dirt on it, ya sissy!
You know, WE (myself and the other mods) just do the best we can to keep the forums good. I've deleted posts and threads I shouldn't have, and I have let slide posts and threads I shouldn't have. AND, I've definitely missed a few altogether.

We try to police it by the rules I have outlined, but quite often it's just a judgement call. Some days I delete things that the next day I might let slide. Sometimes I delete things in one thread that I might not delete a week later in another thread.

I guess the bottomline is, WE just do the best we can and if that's not good enough for someone, then.....sorry. You know what mean? If you're going to use the site, you're just going to have except that. If we cannot live up to a persons expectations then I guess another site is where that person needs to go.

What really irritates me though is when I read the bellyaching about the moderating, or the questions as to why this or that was removed. Don't post that stuff in the forums. Just email me.

I don't consider myself any sort of "king" on this site. It's just that the moderators and I should not have to have a long dicussion and debate everytime we delete something, especially a discussion/debate here in the forums. These forums are for talking hunting, not talking about moderating.

Brian Latturner
>King Founder has spoken dammit...now deal
>with it!! lol ;-)

YA!!! Now someone massage my feet and get me some breakfast!!! LOL

Brian Latturner

Prime Minister: The people are clamoring for you, Your Majesty.
The Emperor: They're not clamoring very loud.
Prime Minister: But they're our best clamorers...
The Emperor: Tell them I want more clamoring. I want more clamor!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-24-10 AT 11:56AM (MST)[p]"You know, WE (myself and the other mods) just do the best we can to keep the forums good. I've deleted posts and threads I shouldn't have, and I have let slide posts and threads I shouldn't have. AND, I've definitely missed a few altogether.
We try to police it by the rules I have outlined, but quite often it's just a judgement call. Some days I delete things that the next day I might let slide. Sometimes I delete things in one thread that I might not delete a week later in another thread.

I guess the bottomline is, WE just do the best we can and if that's not good enough for someone, then.....sorry. You know what mean? If you're going to use the site, you're just going to have except that. If we cannot live up to a persons expectations then I guess another site is where that person needs to go.

What really irritates me though is when I read the bellyaching about the moderating, or the questions as to why this or that was removed. Don't post that stuff in the forums. Just email me.

I don't consider myself any sort of "king" on this site. It's just that the moderators and I should not have to have a long dicussion and debate everytime we delete something, especially a discussion/debate here in the forums. These forums are for talking hunting, not talking about moderating.

Brian Latturner

Much better said than the "deal with it," statement. I don't think asking questions to try to understand issues is whining. I have no idea how many times you "deal with this nuke stuff." So when you jump down a guys throat for asking a question it doesn't bode well. Some of you macho men can't stand to explain because you don't have the mental ability to clarify your reasoning in your pea brain. I get where King Latturnius is coming from now. Believe it or not I respect him more for explaining than simply beheading because he can. Thanks for explaining Brian...err King Latturnius. :)

Pulp Fiction, "Look, just because I don't be givin' no man a foot massage don't make it right for Marsellus to throw Antwone into a glass *&(%#$^@*'&@% house, @#&^%$' up the way the n&%%#r talks. ^$#%(*@!(&*& do that ^*#$ to me, he better paralyze my ass, 'cause I'll kill the &^@#$#(*^#+!@, know what I'm sayin'?"

nickoless, I know who you are.
You are about 5' 2", but play a big man on the web.
Drive a jacked up diesel with bald tires.
You live in real nice trailer.
You wear a tight wife beater over your basketball belly 'cause it makes you look tough.
Your stickers on your truck are "Get in and Shut Up, I'm The Boss, My Pit Bull Is Tougher Than Yours, I love Obama...
You hunt from the road, but say you went in 12 miles.

Pretty close huh!

I rather sound like a little girl than be you. IMO.

HK.......you have crossed the line there sister!

You have no right referencing "basketball", while describing my shape.

I despise basketball. That is simply an uncalled for insult!

I hope you get nuked!
I thought it was the Obama sticker that would have crossed the line...oh well I tried ya sissy midget.


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