Happy new year



LAST EDITED ON Dec-31-05 AT 11:17PM (MST)[p]Wishing ya'all a happy new year! Try to do something special every day whether it involves family, friends, or loved ones remember the times you have with them before they are gone.

In memory of those that have passed on in my life
Stacy-04'-(my sister)
Grandma Mac-05"
John Kinn-05" Friend and sportsman

Very good advise A3dhunter. And a Happy New Year to you too!

We lost our electricity during the big storm here in Northern CA. It was only out for 24 hrs. but was predicted to be much longer. I spent most of yesterday and today "loaning out" our generator to my parents and neighbors to keep their freezers and refrigerators going. Glad the power came back, I was getting tired! Fun way to start the new year though.

eelgrass, I was born and raised in the central valley (manteca), moved away in 97', moved back and forth several times. Now living in Amarillo,Texas. I still miss the mountains of Ca. Out here anything over 50 feet tall is a mountain! What a joke. Spent a lot of summers at Lake Almanor and Antelope Reservoir catching trout. What area are you in?

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