Happy New Year All...



Just wanted to drop a line and wish you all a Safe & Happy New Year! I have a couple hours to go here at work and then I'll be headed home and taking my girls out to eat at a great little cafe and then home for an evening of dvd watching.For those of you who do go out to a party, be careful.Have a great evening and Happy New Year....Larry
I second those sentiments NM.....Have a safe and happy new year.Please dont come see me here at the hospital as i will be working.
To all of you hope that you have a Great New Years and don't get too plastered and get in trouble, drive safe or get a designated driver for you.
My wife and I are walking across the street for a Fresh Crab dinner and then she wants to make our annual contribution to the local Indian Casino...LOL...which means a drive of about 1/2 hour north.

Happy New Year to Everyone.

no wonder why hospital bills are so much and so slow because you are on monster muleys lol jk happy new year and be safe everyone
We'd be happy to go home and party like ya'll but one of your dumbazzes is gonna do something real smart tonight and you'd die if we weren't here.( i really hope this doesn't happen but every year some ones number comes up)

As for being at work and on the internet........i guess i do have a good job!
Tag....lets hope you have a real slow night and get to spend the whole shift on the 'puter. To all others HAPPY and safe NEW YEAR!!

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
thanks tag for working hard and helping people out. i really appreciate doctors and all they do. tell all your fellow workers thanks also

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