
Happy Mothers Day to all the mom's out there. Relax and enjoy your day. This will be the first year I will not be able to spend it with my wife. Her and the kids are out of town at a BMX Camp in Arizona. For some reason she is much warmer there and is having fun. If Mother is happy, everyone is happy !!!

What will you be doing for Mothers Day?
We celebrate Mother's Day to show honor and respect to one of the most influential people in our lives. We all have spent the formative years of our lives with our mothers and shared all the joy and sorrows that life brings. Such is the greatness of our mothers that they always try to make us feel happy even in times of distress. This is the reason we should all hug our mothers (if possible)and the mothers of our children today and tell them how much we appreciate them and love them.

I will be spending the day with my Mom and my wife both of whom are great women and mothers.

It's always an adventure!!!
Never were truer words spoken than 'the hand that rocks the cradle moves the world.' I've been blessed in this life with two fantastic mothers. My own mother who passed away unexpectedly five years ago, and the mother of my own children. I work two jobs to keep her at home with the kids and I know I could not keep up with her job which lasts 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. There is no other more honorable profession than that of a mother. Happy mother's day Red.
Happy Mothers Day to all Mothers!
And remember 1911,you are Lil Reds oldest kid!}>}>}>
Hope all Mom's have a Great Day!
Thanks 45 and everyone, I Love being able to stay home with the kids its the greatest, There are days when you want to pull your hair out, but I wouldnt trade it for anything in the world.

Being a Mom is fun and I have 3 amazing kids which makes it even better, and It helps when you have a Husband who not only works hard, but can also be "Disneyland" for the kids when he is home or as B bob said a big kid himself. :)

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