
Long Time Member
It's Monkey day and Roy just LOVES monkeys, guys. Especially monkeys dressed in clothes pretending to be human. He absolutely adored all those "Monkey Shines" calendars we used to get from Bud's Steakhouse and Bar when we were kids. So, post em' if ya got em'!!

Happy Monkey Day ROY!!!
photo is
LAST EDITED ON Jul-21-09 AT 03:40PM (MST)[p]Here ya go ROY !! Kick back enjoy the pic and listen to Thriller!!!
Happy Monkey Day!!

LAST EDITED ON Jul-21-09 AT 10:41PM (MST)[p]Nice Rus.
Happy Monkey day Roy

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
So, the daughter of a Vetrinarian goes off to college in another state.
She is following in her fathers footsteps and is studying to be a vet also. After about 3 weeks of school, she writes to her father,
"Classes are far apart and I could use a bicycle to help me get to them quicker, please send some money".

The father sends the money, but, by chance, one of the other students is finishing school and has a pet monkey that he can't take with him, so the girl buys the monkey with her bicycle money.

After about a month, the monkey develops a serious skin rash and his hair is all falling out. Nobody at the school is able to cure the beast, so the girl decides that her experienced father might be able to help. She writes,
"Dear Dad, all the hair is falling off my monkey, what should I do?"

A few days later, she recieves a reply from her father, he writes, "Daughter, sell the bicycle"
HA HAA HAA!! Keep posting - after I installed the new Anti-Primate software - all I see are red x's!!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
You know...it absolutely thrills me that we nearly wore Slammy's nuke button out on this one. I knew I could count on you guys! ;-) LOL


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