Happy Meal anyone?


Notice anything suggestive here?


Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Looks like his fiahin pole has some tangled up fishin line, maybe even around his neck?
Fat cat with his sword poken up, ya , he looks lazy.
LAST EDITED ON May-24-10 AT 09:44PM (MST)[p]YES! I noticed it right off. Of course they put the THIN version of Puss in Boots on the Happy Meal. Don't dare put the FAT version on there (cuz he's really obese in the newest movie). Worried about all those lawsuits for making kids fat aren't they?


LOL ;-) (little do they know they are shifting the focus from the obese kids lawsuits to teen pregnancy lawsuits..."Stick Puss on your straw....LMAO Someone needs to rethink some copy here.)
LAST EDITED ON May-24-10 AT 09:36PM (MST)[p]Uhh nope - but good guesses. Hint - read the fine print.

Ohh I hadn't noticed the sword though buttshot - but now that you say it... lol

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Hahahaha! "Pop it, straw it. Stick Puss on your straw...."

Oh my soul! I am not even sure what to think of this post!

Thanks for the laugh to start my day!
>Roy ,you are one sicko, get
>your mind out of the

Whatever dude - I am not even half of the "sicko" that most are on here. Just pointing out that this is highly suggestive and if I were a McDonald's exec. I would have caught it and nixed it, LOOONG before it was printed on Happy Meal boxes and given to children, avoid the appearance of it altogether.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I thought that was a joke but I went to the poopy arches today and bought my little girl a happy meal. It really does say that and look like that. Someone obviously did that on purpose.
Holy crap. Seen this post a few days ago but didnt pay much attention to it until I bought my kid a happy meal yesterday and seen that ugly fat cat on it. Seeing that chubby thing (no pun intended) reminded me of this post. The more I read on that Mickey D's box the more I laughed and cried and was shocked. What the heck is that all about? Nobody is that stupid to put something like that together and not see a correlation there. Wonder if I could sue them for sexual harrasment and get a fat check. Hmmm. Wow.
It's just McDonalds way of keeping up with some of the competition. Carl's Jr. has been using sex to sell their hamburgers for years but at least they are up front about it to an adult audience. McDonalds should be prosecuted for kiddie porn.

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