
love the way this gal sings the national anthem - don't know about you, but it brings tears to my eyes. It is so good that I have to post both versions. It does help that the second version was the prelude to arguably one of the best college football games ever played (2006 Rose Bowl - Texas beats USC 41-38). Love the fireworks and the the flyover too though! It doesn't get much better than that!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I agree with you Roy.. She does a outstanding job singing the national anthem. By the way I was at that Rose Bowl game when Texas or I should say Vince Young bet my beloved Trojans. As much as I hated seeing USC loose that game I had to take my hat off to Vince Young that day, He played a hell of a game and deserved to be MVP. It was a great grame and went right down to the last seconds. Quite a day.
Yeah Model_70 - that was a great game! Vince did his part for sure, but he wasn't on the field on that 4th down when the Texas D stuffed LenDale White!

I love the way Leann sings this song though. She makes it her own version by using her own voice and emotion, not by re-writing the notes or rythym.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
>I love the way Leann sings
>this song though. She makes
>it her own version by
>using her own voice and
>emotion, not by re-writing the
>notes or the rythym

She is amazing and also one of my favorites, Happy 4th to you Roy

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