
Long Time Member

The airing of grievances will now commence! Please tell us all the ways your fellow MM friends have DISAPPOINTED you this past year.

Feats of Strength- Festivus ends when you pin me. Good luck, boys.
BTW...no dancing on or with the pole. That is not what Festivus is About so Slam and Feleno....knock it off!

I like a more direct approach though. Like....

I am disappointed that Rackmaster didn't supply a picture of himself to us, in all his feathery-mulleted glory and fully clothed (please GOD let him be fully clothed!!), when Bobcatbess allowed his picture to be posted on MM.

Oh and I'm also disappointed him him because he made lewd remarks about me when I was disappointed that Bobcat had never brought me a diet coke from the greasy spoon joint in Altamont with the good ice. tch tch tch....that one got nuked in a hurry, Rack and you're probably very LUCKY.

Bobcat, however, redeemed himself by slipping a 12 pack of diet coke in my pick-up when I wasn't looking one day. I still want that good ice, but that 12 pack of DC was very much wanted. I've now got the habit again and my personal trainer is not pleased, but I'm happy and that's all that counts, right? ;-)

I am also disappointed in Ransom because he never took me to Kona.
I don't even want to get started on the disappointments around this place. :)

disappointed TripleK has chosen to not name names from the football team "front line"

disappointed that Bess isn't taller in his picture. Somehow I figured a larger than life character like him would be... well... larger.

disappointed that Feleno occasionally succumbs to the pressure of the mods and posts less scantily clad women pictures.

disappointed that B_F_E does... well... hell... just plain diappointed in B_F_E this year. He seems to be behaving himself way too much.

disappointed that the Spide... never mind. :)

I'll have to get back to you when I come up with more that won't get nuked.

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