Happy Fathers day to all Dads


Long Time Member
Happy Fathers day to all you who are dads. May the day be bright and full of laughter.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I think qtpie just celebrates fathers day to make me think their mine!

Lord know those little terds didn't come from my loin! ROFL!

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
LAST EDITED ON Jun-19-10 AT 09:35PM (MST)[p]Dads are a dime a dozen.... everybody has one.

I sure miss mine.

What's really cool is when you get to watch your kids become fathers & mothers.

Happy Fathers day everyone!

It sure is nice to be a dad and a grandad!
I too miss my dad and it's been 32 years! I'll always remember his last deer camp!
Fathers Day is wonderful, the best gift out there is when the grandkids call me papa! MM Dads, have a great day!!!

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