HAPPY B DAY TRIPLE K !!!!!!!!!!!

How young a chick are ya?
Just wondering if Kolby has been to the Martha Stewart store lately?
Or is he giving you a 'boxed' gift?
happy b-day from me


Nets are for fish!!
Yep - happy b-day little sis. Thanks for being the bane of my existence since that day all those years ago. I was happy - a doted on only child before that, and you took ALL that away from me. Yep. Thanks. LOL

I won't tell you how old she is but I will say that every year on my birthday I am two years older than her and this year I will turn 38.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Happy Birthday Jenn...from one Arias to another...have a good day and hope Kolby gives you something you need.

Happy birthday Teekster!! ;-)

Happy B-day Nipple K!!!! The rules around our house are "Its your birthday, you can do whatever you want!!! Enjoy it!!
One more thing TTK,
Please send CUPSY footage of the SPANKIN you're about to receiveth!

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