Half your age 7...


Long Time Member
I had a conversation with my younger brother tonight and asked him if I were to date again what age would be the youngest I could possibly go in his opinion...he said "half your age + 7." That puts the youngest at 20 for me...and I happened to ask out a 20 year old sexy sexy sexy chick 3 days ago but didn't know her age until yesterday!!

I still don't know what I'm going to do about this...I also have some Extended Wasatch Front deer hunting to do the next few weeks and shortly after that is the worst possible time ever to have a girlfriend...sooo hmmmm...

Ok now you, what's the youngest sexy lady you could go after and still feel ok about it?? How about oldest?? And dude if you have a wife just pretend you don't and tell the truth...unless it'll end your current marriage!! Could this thread possibly bring back the famous Wizard?? C'mon Steve-O we miss ya dude... :)

Pic when I return...

Just remember that 17 will get you 20.
I heard on the radio this morning that the most successful relationships are when the guy is 5+ years older than the gal and the gal has a higher education.

I'd track down the gal in NVB's photo!

Success is failure that tried one more time
Unless you're trophy hunting age shouldn't be an issue. It's all about the FICO score now. I'd look for one in the 750+ range. Save the under 600's for trips to Mexico and drunk dialing on the weekends.

But, using your formula, we'd have to find a couple 57 year olds for eel and kilo.
I think Edlebrock is on the right track. And I believe it was our very own HoundDawg who coined the phrase right here on MM that went something like "you can marry more money in 20 minutes than you can make in a lifetime". That being said, I've never been that smart so I would go with the youngest, legal age, female that was nuts enough to date me. :) And the tie breaker would be the one with the biggest breasts. Which would probably be about social security age.

Seriously, half your age plus 7 isn't a bad thought. I think I'll just think about that a little while.

Oh, and at my age the rule should include no one younger than your oldest child. So I'd be good down to 27.
I'm with you NV. Unfortunately in my experience, the more fiscally responsible, the smaller the boobies. It's a curse.
I saw this gal in Bakersfield at the FAMOSO Raceway........sure had a long line of guys following her around that day...including me. LOL

If completesportsmans theory is correct I'm in the perfect marriage. My wife is 11 years younger then me and has a PHD in molecular genetics. Hell I can't even spell phd.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-27-09 AT 05:40PM (MST)[p]Wes, now you're getting greedy. You killed a great buck this year and now you tell us you have the perfect wife? It's not fair.....:(


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
Are you running a bar? looking to get married? who gives a chit how old she IS, it's how old she SAYS she is. Quit ID-ing them on the way in!!!

NVB LMAO!! Watchin that vid just makes me wanna cuddle...but ok you guys got it, FICO will be the deciding factor if I ever decide to get serious again...hmmmm trophy hunting women huh?? :) LOL hell why not?? They trophy hunt dudes so why shouldn't we go after them right!! I could do me a sugar mama...better than any babies mama!!

As promised here's the pic...sorry I can't post a full body pic, you guys are just way too damn ruthless on here lmao!!


She looks "naughty":) Remember good girls wear high heels to work, really good girls wear them to bed:)
LOL cjboz.

She looks good so far but I was hoping for a picture of her full uh... er... portfolio so we could make some investment advice.
How about her football team plus 20..


Bucks and bulls may break my bones, but words will never hurt me!
My wife is 6 years younger and that is perfect for marriage any younger and your at different stages in life. For dating I would say the young(as long as it legal) the better. I think maybe 10 for relationship. Always consider the Fico score and salary now days. Get the right girl and you could be hunting all over North America.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
Never had any problem with any of them 20-60 other then the fur on them. I don't neccessarly care for scabs,flabby fat chicks with out teeth, Buggar eatting cousins, and married ugly cougars, That is unless they want to send me hunting/fishing with their moneys.

Well I took her out guys...we went and got some Chili's and a Jamba Juice to go, went back to my place to eat and watch a movie, things were going great...chemistry seemed right about there so I leaned in for it when she suddenly stops me in my frickin tracks n tells me she believes "it's bad luck to kiss on a first date"...my reply "Chuck Norris always has sex on the first date...ALWAYS!!

Haven't seen her since...

Maybe she went to go find Chuck Norris.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
Good one mywifeishotterthantiffany!

Success is failure that tried one more time

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