Half time show

I blame myself for bothering to watch it.
I changed the channel

The voices in my head may not be real, but they have
some good ideas!
Weak,very weak. They should have lip-synched. Plus I think the light panel was out on the "v" in LOVE.
As I read on another forum " I'd rather finger paint with aids infected blood than watch or listen to that again"

Hahaha. I thought that was hilarious.
Slash is always great, but Fergie trying to sing a Guns & Roses song sucked azz! Whoever is responsible for Superbowl half-time shows and booking singers for the National Anthem should be kicked right square in the junk, and not just for this year!
All that's been said and worse. $30 million for 30 seconds and that mess gets paid for, how'd we get here?

in texas i would think lee ann womack singing the anthem and maybe a garth brooks / george strait combo would have been much more appropriate than hippity hop trash. must admit the glow in the dark clothes were kinda cool. would be useful catfishin'
LAST EDITED ON Feb-06-11 AT 08:36PM (MST)[p]This is how to get it done

Maybe she could give the Skank a lesson in singing!!!
There's something to be said for country music and thier stars. What was worse Natioal Anthem or half time show?
Swear to God! I would punch that dumb azz Ho right in the mouth!

If you are so stupid that you don't know the National Anthem.......don't sing it!

If you are too dumb to learn the words, after you sign a contract to sing it, you are even dumber yet......deport the crack immediately!

The half time show should be titled the "half wit show"....major suckage!

......I liked the game though!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
My dad is a 91 year old Alabaman. I can not write what he said about the half time show without being permanently banned from MM.
Comparable to Roseanne Barr singing the National Anthem. At least from her we'd expect a joke. Dum brawd... Half show ain't even worth a comment.
Damn....Now I find out the "Aguilaria Idiot", isn't even an alien.....she is from back east somewhere and her father,,,estranged,,, was a career Army guy.

Deport her anyway!

I bet she did it on purpose!

....No, I was right, she's just STUPID. She will take plenty of heat for this one!

She has a Hollywood Star on the sidewalk....I will take a dump on it at my first opportunity.

She is also a BIG PETA supporter.

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
First off...I wanna see Nickman shQt on Christina's star!! LMFAO! Forgive me...I'm alittle buzzed but this game pissed me off big time! The Packers didnt win this game...the Steelers lost it! Never coule catch up after one mistke after the other. I;m very pissed!! As I've said many times tonight....F@ck the Packers!

I got put in time out for a bad signature! Sorry Founder...
there was a halftime show?
who cares? the Pack won and I hit 3 Qtr's....2-250's and the final was %1000!

I an glad I didn't have to hear her sing. It's unbelievable how these low lifes sing the national anthem. It's all about self promotion, not about what it represents. I absolutely hate all the remixing and screaming they do, when they sing it.

I did see a few minutes of the half time show. Yeah it was terrible.... Hard to believe people think that it's entertaining...
thats a nice hunting trip Rack! You douche!! At my expense! LOL I"m pissed! 3 turnovers!! How can you win a Superbowl with 3 turnovers? Damn!!!!!

I got put in time out for a bad signature! Sorry Founder...
Agreed on all above!

I won a quarter on one pool for 30 and another for 50 so I was okay with the game ;)

Sorry Wiz!

Yes , Halftime show was embarassing. I did miss the National Anthem and from the sound of it, I am glad. I feel bad for the Troops overseas who had to hear it. The Troops here in the states too. I know it is a simple but proud moment to hear the Anthem sung.
Black eye peas really sucked, But then the whole deal sucked, Where is Hank Jr.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>AT 08:36 PM (MST)

>This is how to get it
>Maybe she could give the Skank
>a lesson in singing!!!

Serious?????? Carrie Underwood???? ANY Hunter that supports the crazy person is NOT a true Hunter!!! She supports and gives more money to PETA and the ANTI Hunting crowd than almost anyone out there!!! I WILL NEVER SUPPORT this "skank" as you put it...yea she sings and looks better than that Aguilerra chick....but come on man...this is a HUNTING site....
Serious?????? Carrie Underwood???? ANY Hunter that supports the crazy person is NOT a true Hunter!!! She supports and gives more money to PETA and the ANTI Hunting crowd than almost anyone out there!!! I WILL NEVER SUPPORT this "skank" as you put it...yea she sings and looks better than that Aguilerra chick....but come on man...this is a HUNTING site....

Yes this is a hunting site .....but this is also the campfire, and last I checked, it was MY opinion as too who sang the song better not who I support as far as their beliefs.. ie hunting, etc

And furthermore why are we posting stuff about football,cars family pics and porn ...non of which has anything to do with hunting on this HUNTING site.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-07-11 AT 03:28PM (MST)[p]oh my fireball you have much pent up frustration. may i recomend purchasing a fleshlight? this will make everything much more tolerable to you after a couple applications.
I'm just stating that before he comes here and jumps down my throat, for this being a "hunting" site he better get his facts straight.
Fireball...you sure get your panties in a wad....I kinda like it.

Yes, we post all kinds of things..Porn included...but I dont see anyone posting that they support PETA or anti-hunting people! There is a difference in posting lots of NON hunting related material in a campfire forum....than supporting a ANTI hunting person or group.

Yea, she is hot..she sings good I guess...and most guys would give their lefty to have her...even some girls(fireball)...but for me...I will not support or encourage someone that is so OPENLY against hunting or the future of it!! ;) That is all I am saying!!

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