

Man - this is just sad. One of the poorest countries on the face of the earth - just devastated. My heart goes out to them.

They estimate over 500,000 dead. They will probably never be able to count them all.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
That is so hard to comprehend in this day and age. I think the population is about 2 million, so one in four died? Estimated I know. I'm at a loss for words. Thank God that America is in a position to help. I know a Marine who is headed to Haiti as I type this.

I am so very thankful for the building codes we have in America. A good friend of mine is a building inspector. I called him and thanked him for what he does yesterday when we came through our earthquake last Saturday.

Thanks for the thoughts Roy.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
One in 4 dead really puts it into prospective, wow!
It just doesn't seem right that such a place has to get what those people got, they were already barely surviving with what they had.
Our thoughts, prayers and help will go out to them and help them become stronger than before.

very sad..................
jesus & the united states will help....

soon the love in his heart will be the rage in his fist

Jesus is coming and boy is he pissed

What a terrible seen. I was watching the news while a reporter was giving his take on what he was seeing. The camera panned over and showed the body of a young 3 or 4 year old boy who died while waiting to be treated. So sad. My heart and prayers go out to all.
You should google earth Port-au-Prince. Unimaginable squalor to begin with. Hard to comprehend the horror those people must be living with right now. We should give thanks for the blessings we have. (How did I do Manny?)

not to be the dummy, i've been working 70+ hrs a week. i haven't even heard of this? what happened? i cant believe a desastor would happen and i would hear about it on a hunting forum?
Sad deal for sure but it still amazes me when there is a natural disaster or crisis somewhere else in the world the US always has the time and money to help out yet we can't take care of our own people. Carry on....
LAST EDITED ON Jan-14-10 AT 06:19AM (MST)[p]did'nt Obama come from Haiti?
USA will lead the way then Japan, Britain! evey one else will cave under the Obama whimpers...

James 1: 27
27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction . . .

To donate to relief efforts please go to one of these trusted sources:




Texting HAITI to 90999
(The U.S. Dept of State's Web site suggests texting to donate $10 to the Red Cross to help with relief efforts.
$10 will be charged to your cell phone bill. Or you can go online to organizations like the Red Cross and Mercy Corps to contribute to the disaster relief efforts)

or to some other organization of your choice. Just give until it hurts.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Pat Robbertson says Haiti is a cursed nation because of a " pact with the devil " , so I guess they deserve it?

I wish Manny could explain, I don't get it.
Haiti is one of if not the most corrupt "nation" on the planet with a vitriol hatred for the U.S. and yet Ofama has pledged $100 million in relief aid and is sending help faster than if it would have happened in this country. ?????

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

Feleno: "Sad deal for sure but it still amazes me when there is a natural disaster or crisis somewhere else in the world the US always has the time and money to help out yet we can't take care of our own people. Carry on.... "

Agreed 100%


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-14-10 AT 12:44PM (MST)[p]>Pat Robbertson says Haiti is a
>cursed nation because of a
>" pact with the devil
>" , so I guess
>they deserve it?
> I wish Manny could explain,
>I don't get it.

Well first of all - the "pact" to which Robertson refers is based on Hatian folklore and it comes from story that is more myth than truth and doesn't even have anything to do with making a pact with the devil but rather the spiritual yearnings for freedom of an enslaved and oppressed people.

Second of all Pat Robertson stopped being relevant about 15 years ago.

And third, I am sure Manny has some other brilliant insider info however that can enlighten us on how a group of african slaves liberating themselves from their European masters constitutes a pact with the devil while during almost the same time period a group of white over-taxed and under-represented upper class landowners and citizen rebels and insurgents who overthrew their own European king in order to keep their own African slaves in bondage doesn't!

So wow - I acutally agree with you on this one H-dude!

And Eric - the Haitian government itself is supported by the US and it reciprocates the sentiment. But yes - it looks like Obama is trying to get aid there faster than Bush got it to New Orleans. I love it when politics and tragedy meet.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I wonder if Ofama will give the Haitians $2,000 credit cards to spend at the liquor stor and t!tty bars like they did for Katrina "victims"?

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

LAST EDITED ON Jan-15-10 AT 09:41AM (MST)[p]feleon,
I'm right there with ya. Where we getting the money from thought the US was broke. The thing that pisses me off is that none of these places would lift a finger to help the US if thing were reversed.

You bet ya, free money for all to buy the necessities. Don't you know that all that alcohol kills all the germs and bacteria they are coming in contact with there.;-)
LAST EDITED ON Jan-15-10 AT 12:06PM (MST)[p]This will probably go over like a fart is a space suit but before any American aid is sent to Haiti it better be agreed on between the U.S. and Haiti that they will send us 1 billion dollars to pay for our help. No more free hand outs to any country.....
You are on the money Kingfish - however it is too utopian to be a reality.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I've learned long ago to not pay attention to any of the humanities dished out in these pages by the hard-core conservative a-holes who squeeze out every penny as if they'll never see it again and wouldn't help his brother man on a bet.

These are human beings in a terrible almost unspeakable disaster!!! You may claim to have compassion but would not be willing to contribute, can understand that these people are going thru the unimagional yet will navagate toward and then justify any possible reason not to help or justify others helping.

I pity some of you!! I myself have very little in comparison to some of you out there and my little business barley supports myself but the $50. i've donated means little to me in comparison to if i'll eat or not tonight. My hope is it will help and i'm glad that my Country is also doing what they can.

I second your emotions sage.
I must also add that if our country would STOP taking care of so many of the "I deserve it" crowd we would have a whole lot more to give without too much worry about where it's going to come from. I saw a post (wont mention any names) about helping our own. A lot of those people need to take a little responsibility for their own selves first and they would find they don't need near as much as they think! Unlike those going through this hell on earth!
my how soon we forget,
guess you boys have forgot about the corruption within the red cross during the katrina disaster?
red cross will never,upon ever get another red cent from me,yes they've done some good,yes they bent several over...........

did i not say jesus was coming???

soon the love in his heart will be the rage in his fist

Jesus is coming and boy is he pissed

Just bring back Jean-Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier and all will be like it should be!
before i get my azz ripped,
yes i did donate,just not to the thieves of the red cross,
maybe i donated to another thieving bunch,who knows......

soon the love in his heart will be the rage in his fist

Jesus is coming and boy is he pissed

I understand the situation, and will give to help them out. But there is two things that piss me off. One, our country is economicly struggling yet they throw out money to these other countries like its someone elses (oh ya it comes from taxes). Second the one and only time that someone in my family fell on hard time and needed a little help from the government they were told they made too much money in the past and weren't eligible of assistance (work for 50+ years paying taxes, made less that 50,000 a year). Hate to think I might need a little help some day when I get older, there wont be anything left.

america seem to be the cash cow for every disaster, but yet no country is willing to help when we have one here.
ya know,
one of these days something serious is gonna happen here at home,
lets see who comes running in to give us a helping hand?

soon the love in his heart will be the rage in his fist

Jesus is coming and boy is he pissed

Why in the world would any other country send us (the cash cow) any money during our own crisis's and disasters, our money grows on trees over here (actually, it rolls off the printing press called the national debt!).

Well either way, i'm sure Haiti will overcome this tragedy as best they can and become stronger because of it.
I donate to United Way and pay my taxes :)

Kingfish, I heard you, i just don't see how one of the poorest countries on earth is both going to put their Country back in some kind of together...and, pay us back, both individually and as a Nation.

Knthartter, I understand what you are saying too! In a situation like this though, i can see our Country chipping in, along with the rest of this world, and do try to help even though you yourself has a grudge about past deeds felt done to you personally.

I myself hold grudges against one organization or another, for what i have felt were injustices done to me or family, yet i still believe in that or those organizations. In this case, i believe, the right thing to do is get past our own discrimination's, not about the color of their skin, and help if we can.

come on slammy,
with all the greenback you made guiding this last fall maybe you ought to box Pro up & send him over there to work for about a year!

***note: make sure and send one of them home made cardboard signs with him that says: "I'll work for Free"

soon the love in his heart will be the rage in his fist

Jesus is coming and boy is he pissed

They are starting to get violent because help is not coming fast enough.

I don't agree with 100 million dollars that seems way extravagant to me. Its a handout and they won't respect what we did for them.

You have to be able to help yourself before you can help others and America is in a world of hurt right now.

The reason I gave now is because of the immediate needs on the ground for the people in need of emergency doctoring and water and food. For this dire emergency I feel it is the right thing to do.

The long term thing is different. If things don't change it's like pouring money down a rat hole.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
I am sure the kids in Haiti don't care about any conservative or liberal party.

Its a tragedy what happened and nothing more. Nothing wrong with sending a little $$$ their way.
I agree they need some help. 100 million is alot more help than I think we are able to give...

I donated to a charity, hope it gets to them.

Sage, I totally agree with you. This is a terrible disaster. Most of us are naturally disturbed by this and want to do whatever we can to help a fellow human being without conditions. Some of the comments made in this forum are disgusting and completely selfish. They will get theirs in due time.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-16-10 AT 09:51PM (MST)[p]>I agree they need some help.
>100 million is alot more
>help than I think we
>are able to give...
>I donated to a charity, hope
>it gets to them.

How can you guys put a price on helping others in desperate need? If Obama says $1 or $1,000,000,000,000, what's the difference? It's not like we'll send them enough money to start burning it in the streets while we're all starving. The stories coming out of Haiti have me avoiding the news because I can't stand to hear it anymore. I have no tolerance for children suffering and you guys are bytching about this country helping out a bit too much. There is no helping too much for something like this and this is no time to be cutting costs to save on our defecit. Donate if you can and hope it gets to where it's needed. If the money gets in the wrong hands then just know that those people will rot in hell. Now I'm starting to sound like some self righteous rwj's on here. Put yourself in their shoes for a second. If yer bytchen then you've got way too much time on your hands.
"If the money gets in the wrong hands then just know that those people will rot in hell. "

That is all great and might give you comfort if you believe there is a hell. While I agree we should help out as the so called wealthiest nation in the world, I agree with the other posters that it is disheartening when the US gets blamed for not helping fast enough or enough. We are under no legal or moral obligation to help any other country in the world. We do so only out of the kindest of the American heart. It really burns me when the US is made to be the villain.

I already saw a few American broadcasts where the reporter was trying to set the US up as not acting fast enough. Seems to me we are moving to help this third world country faster than we did for an American city like New Orleans. Beggars can't be choosey!

I think most of the world's problems can be solved with a 25 cent Trojan.
Liberals, you know who you are!!! Take care of our own first. New Orleans is the perfect example. No more help to any country unless they are ready to pony up the cost.
I am heartbroken for the people of Haiti. Knowing how I would feel if I saw members of my family were hurt, killed, hungery and thirsty....I had to help these people. We are all God's people and He has blessed me with much. What kind of human being would I be if I didn't do everything I could to help in this disaster?
The trojan comment I could not agree more with. Third world countries are corrupt which means they will always be a third world country. Not much we can do about that unless we take over which will never happen unfortunately. It's not BO's fault that Katrina victims were abandoned. BO and w's choices for their administration make me wonder. Wasn't w's choice for the head of FEMA experienced in horse racing. Seemed like a perfect fit at the time. Who knew? I'm still not sure we've learned from our mistakes.
kingfish said, "Liberals, you know who you are!!!"

What a discredit you are to my political party!! No wonder we lost the election!!!!!


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