Had to put my dog down


LAST EDITED ON Jun-10-11 AT 09:44PM (MST)[p]Hard evening for me and the kids. My 3 year old yellow lab was hit by a car. Me and my son took her to the vet and decided the best thing to do was put her down. It was tough for me but way harder on my kids. The picture I posted was taken 2 weeks ago. I posted that picture on FB under "My little buddy". Sage we will miss you.

Can't tell you how much this sucks Rug! My reply on Facebook says it all so I will repeat it here:


Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
man, you give new meaning to "when it rains , it pours"

but i feel sorry for the kids and the dog- but you got to figure out a way to keep a dog in the yard, it's not that big of a task.
Sorry to hear that, I have had to do the same thing. It's not easy. If it was anything like mine, I just could not justify paying for a huge surgery when the dog would never be back to 100%. Sad deal...
Sorry to hear it with all the bad stuff you've dealt with, man! I had to put down my pointer out of Elhew Damascus a few years ago and it sucked. Valley Fever and he went blind then crippled in the hind legs. Spent close to 1K in vet bills and the emergency care place on Sunday wanted to do everything again. It hurt real bad to sign the papers, but it was the right thing to do. Our loved ones shouldn't suffer. It would absolutely kill me if something like that happened to Baxter now.
Damn Rug... That Sucks, especially for the kids... Keep you're head up man, things will get better..


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Keep your head up rug, you're going to slam a giant velvet buckbuck here in a few months!! Very sorry for you and your kids loss though...you're due for a break!!

http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb37/Feleno/zFix.jpg[/IMG] ~Z~
Sorry to hear about your best friend, hopefully you can find a replacement after a while.
i hit a dog a month ago, i'm sorry, but the stupid idiot owner should have payed for the dent in my fender. the dog was out all time.
theres no excuse, keep your dog on your property.
i dont care what breed you want to own, as a dog owner you keep YOUR DOG on your property.

thats why cities outlaw pitbulls, because some guy didn't feel like he really needed to watch his dogs.

again, i'm terribly sorry to your kids and their dog, but c'mon man- you couldn't contain your dog?
>i hit a dog a month
>ago, i'm sorry, but the
>stupid idiot owner should have
>payed for the dent in
>my fender. the dog was
>out all time.
>theres no excuse, keep your dog
>on your property.
>i dont care what breed you
>want to own, as a
>dog owner you keep YOUR
>DOG on your property.
>thats why cities outlaw pitbulls, because
>some guy didn't feel like
>he really needed to watch
>his dogs.
>again, i'm terribly sorry to your
>kids and their dog, but
>c'mon man- you couldn't contain
>your dog?

Are you for real??? If I could I would come through this computer and choke the living chit out of you right now!!!! I just moved her here 2 weeks ago from my old house. Bro you got some balls on the net here.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-11-11 AT 00:21AM (MST)[p]>>i hit a dog a month
>>ago, i'm sorry, but the
>>stupid idiot owner should have
>>payed for the dent in
>>my fender. the dog was
>>out all time.
>>theres no excuse, keep your dog
>>on your property.
>>i dont care what breed you
>>want to own, as a
>>dog owner you keep YOUR
>>DOG on your property.
>>thats why cities outlaw pitbulls, because
>>some guy didn't feel like
>>he really needed to watch
>>his dogs.
>>again, i'm terribly sorry to your
>>kids and their dog, but
>>c'mon man- you couldn't contain
>>your dog?
>Are you for real??? If I
>could I would come through
>this computer and choke the
>living chit out of you
>right now!!!! I just moved
>her here 2 weeks ago
>from my old house. Bro
>you got some balls on
>the net here.

No $hit ##### (Richard) Tracy! WOW is all I gotta say. Sounds like a Bob Barker "spay and neuter your animals" thing. C'mon, stuff happens! So what if they just moved there a couple weeks ago? (Rug's comment). The poor thing was probably looking for her "home". "stuff" happens and it sucks, but there's no excuse slamming a guy for trying to do what's best for him, his best friend, and his kids. Remind me to never ask you to house sit my best friend. Even though I don't know any of you personally, that "reprimand" was uncalled for. What a crock!!!!
LAST EDITED ON Jun-11-11 AT 00:40AM (MST)[p]I was gonna nuke him and save rug the heartburn but sometimes it is better to let some posters true colors shine through for all to see.
300wbymann, That was about the most insensitive post i've ever read here. You might think it...but you sure as right didn't have to say it.

Rug Man, So sorry for your loss! I too had a YLab runned over. She had given birth to 8 pups on her first litter and in her first break from them, walked past me on out the front door which happened to be open. I figured that she had had a hard time with the birthing and hadn't once been outside in three days so let her go out and sniff her property borders. The neighbor saw her, he loved her too, and he acted like he was going to throw her a ball. She didn't know that there was no ball so she runs out to catch, where he was throwing, and a semi-truck runs her over flat. I know it can hurt man. I feel for you!!

WOW really 300 you are some piece of work!!!

And Rug still so sorry to hear, our dogs are like kids to us, or at least family members, I hope this is the last of the bad for you, for a little while... STAY STRONG 77 Keep your chin up ;)
That sucks!

We had to put our 13 1/2 year old Great Pyrennese down and we still cry sometimes.....

They become family for sure.

We still haven't gotten another pup........waiting on F'dude to have a litter with his GP...

"We still haven't gotten another pup........waiting on F'dude to have a litter with his GP..."


I'd take a rain check on that Robb. I heard Feleno does his own breeding. :)
LAST EDITED ON Jun-11-11 AT 07:40AM (MST)[p]I bet somebody on here has a litter of Golden Labs. Come on! donate one to the kids. Or I bet we could all donate a few bucks and buy one from someone. A new pup doesn't replace the old friend, but it helps heal the hearts of little kids.
well sorry, if it came across to cold, but as i sit here, my yellow lab, who looks almost identicle to your is sitting next to me, he's 9 yrs old, and my best friend in this world. i just really believe it's my responsabitly to take care of him.
so , like i said- i feel terribly sorry, it hits a little to close for me

when i was a kid i my favorite dog died, i remember asking my dad if dogs go to heaven, my dad tells me " son, if are dogs didn't go to heaven, well it wouldn't be heaven"

again, sorry about being a little harsh- beer number 6 might have had some influence on that post-after reading it this morning, i kinda feel like a #####--it wont happen again
so theres my public appology
LAST EDITED ON Jun-11-11 AT 07:56AM (MST)[p]Keep your head up Rug and as difficult as it may sound, ignore douchebags like 300!!

Edit...just saw your apology...we all say stupid chit after too many beers but that was ####### cold man!! I know one thing, you woulda been a dead drunk had Rug been anywhere near ya last night!!

http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb37/Feleno/zFix.jpg[/IMG] ~Z~
Dang sorry to hear that. Truth is I miss my dogs more than my friends most times. Hang in there, things will get better.

Oh, how I know the feeling of losing a family friend.

Don't recall if you saw it, but my silver lab Sasha died in Feb. (Sasha's Gone), and although we don't have kids, my wife and I were devastated by it.

But there is a remedy. See the I Lied!! thread I started yesterday.

In the meantime, hang in there.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
Rug this is terrible, I had to put my Yellow down a few years back and it killed me and the family, he was around before all the kids.

My son has a 2 year old yellow named sage.

I cannot fathom your hard luck lately and wish I could help somehow. I sincerely hope things get better for you and yours.

300Wby. Your first post on this subject ended with your point on controlling dogs and bordered on going too far, but your second just plain sucked! But I must say I was pleasantly surprised with the apology. Most people lacking in tact enough to post what you did would not apologize. Thanks for that and seeing your error.


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!
Sorry Rug,
I hope you can find a lab Pup soon and it will help the kids re-focus on it and not the bad that has happen.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Rug...man I really hated to hear loss of your young lab. Not really anything one can say, but to get another lab soon, a different color, trust me it will really help.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming
300 we have all posted or said something wrong at one time or another. I know I am guilty of that. You are man enough to own it and I give ya that. As mentioned above others would not.

If your not making mistakes your not learning. Thanks for the app 300.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-11-11 AT 07:55PM (MST)[p]>300 we have all posted or
>said something wrong at one
>time or another. I know
>I am guilty of that.
>You are man enough to
>own it and I give
>ya that. As mentioned above
>others would not.
>If your not making mistakes your
>not learning. Thanks for the
>app 300.

i'm glad you see it for what it was. again- sorry for "2" really stupid posts( didn't even realize the first one was as diky as it was untill now) call it " a can of courage", i hope i'm not going to be grouped with "paul crawford":)

seriously, it would really get to me if my yellow lab was hit by a car, no question i'd probably ball like a baby. the last thing i would want to hear would be some idiot making a post like i did. again, i appologize.

thing will turn around for you soon, they just got to.
That sucks Rug... only one way to heal. Go get those kids a Lab pup... you'll be surprised how fast the hurt goes away. Within a week you'll be screaming "WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING"

Hang in there!

"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"
>That sucks Rug... only one way
>to heal. Go get those
>kids a Lab pup... you'll
>be surprised how fast the
>hurt goes away. Within a
>week you'll be screaming "WHAT
>Hang in there!
>"The Road goes on forever &
>the Party never Ends"

LOL Ya I know!!!
i hope i'm not
>going to be grouped with
>"paul crawford":)

You should be so lucky.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Sorry Rug, I think I might be getting close to doing the samething. My lab Holly has incontenence pretty bad It might have to happen pretty soon. Take care buddy...

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
I am very sorry for your loss..
its hurt to make heavy hearted calls like that!

Rug, I've never had that happen. I ran over my neighbors dog once. It's pretty tramatic for everyone involved. Sorry about that!

I can probably hook you up with a very well bred English Pointer pup if you would like. It's not my litter, but my male is the stud.
>I can probably hook you up
>with a very well bred
>English Pointer pup if you
>would like. It's not my
>litter, but my male is
>the stud.

I will send you a PM, thank you.

I breed labs I don't have a litter on the ground but I have alot of friends that breed aswell let me know if you need some help.

Dogs are some of the best therapy a human can get!
I feel your pain and my prayers are with you. Had to do the same to my 15 yr. old black lab a few weeks back. While I had plenty of time to prepare myself for the decision to put him down, nothing could have prepared me for the pain and sorrow in my young children's eyes when I had to tell them the news.
It hurts, no matter when it happens. Sorry rug. Dogs are so cool.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?

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