Had a good weekend.....


Very Active Member
The wife and I headed north this weekend to my dads place in Ft Bragg, Ca. It was nice to trade the 100deg heat of the central valley for the 60's of the N coast. Got there late friday so we slept in sat and had a nice breakfast. After that we headed down the road to check out a house that a friend of my dads is building. Pretty neat lot right on the ocean...this guy is building this house out of precast concrete blocks.....no for me but it's was worth seeing.....

This pic of the wife and me is from his front yard....should be a nice view:)

On the way there we spotted some of the locals.....





Sun we headed out for some abalone divin, the tides were so low this weekend you could actually "rock pick" em without having to dive. This is the little cove we went to...



And finally a pic of my little brother...(dont ask, 25yr age diff) with his first abalone.....

Now its about 95deg and I wish I never left :)

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Very nice!
I head over that way occasionally, it's a neat change of scenery.
I ain't a diver though, Some friends of mine have had encounters with great whites while fishing right off the coast there anfd those things scare the Hell outta me.
Be careful.
Great family pics though.
That house looks pretty cool. My wife has a brother who's 24 years younger. It's her Dads kid with a second, much younger wife. It's kind of a wierd deal. I refuse to make my kids call him uncle. Especially because two of them are older than him! Sounds like you had a good time, Hardway. The coast is a beautiful place. Where abouts were you?

Glad to hear that you had a great trip. Did you limit on Ab's?

I have a uncle that's 3 years older than me. When i stayed at the ranch with my grandparents, all summer and most weekends, we were more brothers than anything else.

>Glad to hear that you had
>a great trip. Did you
>limit on Ab's?

Joey, we did get our limits, but mostly "clickers".... small barely legal 7 inchers. It did'nt look like it but it was actually pretty rough outside the breakers. That stopped us from using the boat to get to some non-land accesable honey holes and trying to score big ones. 3 on sun, which we ate sun night, and 3 on monday. Plus my dad could legally "gift" my wife 3, so I came home with 6. Aught to hold me over for awhile :)

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infrin
Hardway, I left Sunday morning about 4:00am to dig Razor clams. I got about half way there and realized I forgot my shovel! By the time I drove home I had missed the tide. CRAP!!!! I was pi$$ed!!!!(I'm blaming it on old age.)

I tried again Monday. I got a few but it was tough. The ocean was a little rough up here. I gave them to a stranger who had a few. That way one of us had a meal.

I've had two people drop abalone off at the house. I guess I'm one of those old guys that the young guys feel sorry for? So all's well that ends well.

Those pictures on the coast in that cove sure look familar, I worked out of Ukiah for 18 years and covered all of Mendocino and Lake Counties.
Is that area between Ft. Bragg and town of Mendocino????
Have not been there since I retired in '01 still have friends over there on the coast.
The wife doesn't like windey roads.

Its called Karma, eel! Good things come to those who sacrafice....and I need to sacrafice a sh!tload more!!

>Those pictures on the coast in
>that cove sure look familar,
>I worked out of Ukiah
>for 18 years and covered
>all of Mendocino and Lake
>Is that area between Ft. Bragg
>and town of Mendocino????
>Have not been there since I
>retired in '01 still have
>friends over there on the
>The wife doesn't like windey roads.

Pretty close Brian....we were at a spot they call Buckhorn cove. About 1mi south of the Little River Mkt.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
>What do those critters taste like?

Tough to explain, but after you clean em your left with a solid chunk of white meat about the size of a small roast. No slimy stuff like oysters. Its really tuff, so what you do is slice it bout 1/4" and pound it with a tenderizing hammer. Then dip in egg, bread in progresso italian bread crums, and fry it hot. I've never met anyone that did'nt like it.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
>>What do those critters taste like?

I've never met anyone
>that did'nt like it.

Call me white trash, but I'd take a burger over abalone any day.

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