Had a break in today


Long Time Member
I ran into town to get some materials when my alarm company called and said that my alarm had went off. I was told that the rear garage door had been opened. Since I am the only person staying in the home I deducted that things were not quite right. I rushed back and to my dismay the thief had not taken nearly enough of all the crap I don't really need. Darn. Maybe I should just leave with the door unlocked and the alarm turned off.

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Hopefully he didn't get away with your Barry Manilow LP collection or any of your Webster posters with Alex Karras.

Seriously, are you missing anything of importance? That really blows. Sorry to hear about that.

T&A Inspector
LOL Danny don't you think I could hit them at close range?

Wiz they took a bucket of used paint brushes, a bucket of PVC pipe fittings and a couple of hand tools. LOL they had to get their prizes quick because of the alarm.
"Since I am the only person staying in the home"

Gosh dang it brother... "Wine, Woman & Song finally catches up"

Don't give up... you have friends Mosnar!

Gladly trade a room at the ranchero for the keys to the Kona Kondo.

If you need a bus ticket to Utah... contact B-PLOP, he's used to helping out indigents.

Luv, Slick
So you had an intruder come in your back door?

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
I wonder if it was the guy wearing the gay, floppy hat! :) Just kidding 1911...

T&A Inspector
For a nominal finders fee, I will go get your paint brushes, hand tools and PVC fittings.....but I wouldn't be caught dead carrying your Barry Manilow collection!

The "fence" probably wants them for his duck blind anyway.
RE: Had a break in today: Update!

A home was just broken into a block away in the same gated community just minutes ago. Must be the same republican meth addict...
You better put down a fresh coat of paint around your windows and doors to try and get some finger prints if they come back.

Oh wait, you don't have any paint brushes. Bummer!
RE: Had a break in today: Update!

Rans, If it was another "backdoor invasion" bets are it was probably a liberal democrat meth head.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Don't worry I'll get more where I got those from... those neighbors are in Canada hunting right now and they won't miss them any time soon...
Surprised that they or IT did not take those cheapo Fishing poles that D13 and I used last March....then you could claim they sold your prize Lomis poles.

If my wife found out that I lost the paint brushes, the hand tools, and the plumbing fixtures, there would be no reason for her to show up.

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