H2O video...............

Well if waters banned i guess beers the only logical thing left. save the planet drink beer! ;-)

Bury me in the hills so i can fertilize the grass and grow bigger animals for the rest of ya
That was a great example of the people of this country. They cannot think for themselves and they believe anything the media says.

God help us, cause were going to need it.

"They are not so much environmentalists as they are joiners... of anything" - The truest statement of the whole montage.

The other day in class I was teaching some basic Spanish vocab (I teach Spanish at University of Texas at Austin and Austin Community College) and the chapter is on the environment and one of the vocab words is "endangered species" and I asked these college kids to name some "endangered species" all they could think of was the polar bear, which is not endangered at all but on May 18th was classified as "threatened" (and was moved up on the list from a species of "least concern" overnight to "threatened" in what can be argued as a purely political and not scientific move) which means it is likely to become endangered unless the circumstances threatening its survival and reproduction improve. There are over 8,565 "vulnerable" or "threatened" species the world over but becuase of the buzz of global warming and the over-hyperbolized sensationalism created around this by the drive-by media, the status of the polar bear in public perception goes from barely making the "threatened" list to "endangered" over night. You would think they were the California Condor the way these kids argued with me! They have no clue really and will follow any leader that pokes his head out and says "follow me."

Environmentalism is more about people feeling good about themselves in relation to the environment rather than actually doing something to make it better.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Bah Bah Bah, They act like a bunch of sheep. Good to have someone like you in our schools Roy. My sister in law also teaches at ACC & UT and she is usually to the left on most

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