Guns & Ammo



LAST EDITED ON Jul-19-10 AT 08:47PM (MST)[p]Ran down to Sportsmans yesterday to look at handguns. Was expecting the usual we are out of everything. I'll be damned.... they have hundreds of guns..... more ammo than I've ever seen. Selection beyond anything I can remember.... WTF???

Thank you President Obama!!!!!!

Well Rus,
Thanks to your buddy the U.S./Western U.S. is now armed better than ever before!
Sad part is,prices are Jacked way up just like everything else!

Remember when a 500 round brick of 22 bullets were 7.99?
Remember when you could afford to Plink?

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
B-PLOP... haven't had to buy ammo since Clinton was in office. Bought into that BS scare & got enough ammo to last.

Guns & ammo guys love it when a lib wins the whitehouse. All us really smart people run out & buy up everything at crazy prices then nothing ever happens to the 2nd amendment. Silly us.


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