Gun buyers beware



The feds just made it tuffer for people buying guns legally, I just went to pick up a rifle I bought over the internet and they put a 30 day hold on it because of me getting arrested back in 1975, they want to make sure it wasn't a felony...

Gives a new meaning to the long arm of the law, I was 19 for God sake!
overnight stint, for riding around dinking with a guy who had some stolen crap in his trunk, they didn't believe I had nothin to do with it soooo...



You have no idea what hoops I gotta jump thru now just to clear this up, no one but DOJ has any records going back that far.

I should have known better when Canada wouldn't let me in with a DUI dating back to N learn 'eh

It sure was embarrassing though at the gun shop
Bess' I was a bad boy for a short stint, from 1972 to 78, just goes to show God can rehabilitate anyone even rowdy cats
Don't feel bad Manny, my dad has had a ccw in ca for 40 years and a few years ago when he was doing a renewal he answered the question "have you ever been arrested?" with no. They went to the back to check things out and came back to the counter and asked if he was sure about that "no" answer. He finally said he was arrested in 1954 for dui and that is what had shown up. "1954" is a long time ago and had never showed up before in all those years of renewal.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-24-07 AT 05:56PM (MST)[p]Not trying to cause the Campfire to flare up but ? I thought the ?gun control? thing was a Billy Clinton deal. Poor lil? George what hasn't he screwed up?

And, yes I am going to blame everything on him! <smile>

Slap me a Run'n Rus,

You may get your way sir.

Holler back at me when your Oh so Better
Democrates are in there.

Yea, That'll fix it.

Come on Rus, You have more sense than that.
Stop drinking the Koolaide.

PLEASE stop drinking the Koolaide.

So...your like a victim of federal bureaucracy, just like you were a victim while dinking your buddy, you were probably a victim in that whole DUI thing too.

So what's left convict, just the Promise keepers meetings!
liver ... i'm thicker than a stump ... what's with the koolaid thing ... is that a jim jones reference or what? i've seen it turn up here several times and honestly don't get it!

enlighten me please!

thanks ... RUS
>So...your like a victim of federal
>bureaucracy, just like you were
>a victim while dinking your
>buddy, you were probably a
>victim in that whole DUI
>thing too.
>So what's left convict, just the
>Promise keepers meetings!

why you being an ASS, oops did i cuss again...

should i be looking out for a burning cross on my front lawn soon.......

go ahead Burnstien confess something its good for the soul, or do you walk on water too???????????
LAST EDITED ON Jul-25-07 AT 03:16AM (MST)[p]Burning crosses and walking on water is apparently more your world than it is mine these days Manny.

Many on this site have no idea of what the campfire used to be. With the exceptions of the old timers yourself included, and some new friends, slanted remarks towards me mean nothing. I think it's quite apparent I can hold my own.

But for you to refer to me as "retarded" is completely unacceptable. Is that what your good book teaches, to slam those that have been there for you during your darkest hours?

I like a handful of others took you and your family into our hearts, thoughts, and prayers for years Manny. Yet you have neither the decency, common courtesy, or respect to take that into account and at least pm me or address me directly before referring to me as "retarded."

This is why it's time throw the dirty laundry on the front lawn and why I am going to let this fly here instead of on a pm.

You back slam me on some obscure post and for what? To try to score points with some newbies who have no idea of what the campfire was or what it ever stood for when Venado and I asked Brian to put it together almost a decade ago.

It's easy to get swallowed up in the carnival atmosphere that has permeated a place once considered a sanctuary. Our little campfire was once a calm and friendly place devoid of subjects
deemed controversial ...a mule deer hunter's campfire.

The campfire has changed so dramatically which is why most of the originals don't post anymore. For many who arrived here the campfire had already changed, so they don't know any better....but you do.

I've given you multiple opportunities to recant your statement without reply. On top of all of that what in the hell is up with all the holy roller crap. Now I don't make it a habit to disrespect others faith, but you know damn well it don't belong here at the campfire.

If any of the "old timers" were to tell me I was out of line, I would take it to heart and probably rethink my words and apologize if I offened them. It's all about respect and loyalty Manny. After 10 years our little kids have become young adults and as a group we still pay respect to each other on the occasions we can get together like Kfish's "Howdy Post" even if it's just to say Hi.

So if you want to restore our relationship, start by taking back your "retarded statement", remember those that sincerely stood by you for years, and leave the scripture for another time and another place. Heed 202 and TFinalShot words Manny. In return I will humbly ask you for my forgiveness. Like I mentioned before I take no joy in banging heads with you Manny we go back way too long.

I'm soory but I don't remeber calling you retarded, could you paste that post, all I rememebr is defending myself when I detected anamosity in your writing when I mentioned your post on the hiden homo tendencies or ?

I do appreciate all the kind words that i received back when my life long hunt budy got shot, so I can't see where I back slammed any one....

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